Will You Be Fine? || Miya Osamu

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Spin-off of Fine Mini-Series

Through the eyes of Akagi Michinari.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Ding dong~

His ears perked up when the bell rang, indicating that a customer just walked in. He immediately stopped filling out the form on the computer. Softly, he put down his glasses beside the keyboard before standing up and prepared the gentle smile that he always gave for everyone.

Standing in front of him was a woman with neatly trimmed hair. Even though he could only see her back for now, he found the figure to be so familiar. Her clothes were not that sparkly or anything. But the way she stood so proper right now, making him feel that she was not just a random customer.

"Welcome, what can I-"

And when she turned her face to him, he could only gawk at the realisation. "Holy shit, (Y/n)?!" He shouted excitedly, clamping his mouth in an instant when he realised that he just screamed profanities. "Sorry, I am just, it's been a long time."

He immediately fixed his composure, clearing his throat before sending you his broad smile. You chuckled softly under your breath, taking some step closer to your upperclassman from high school.

"I am actually surprised that you are here too, Akagi-san." Your voice was so small, not full with confidence like how it used to. "How is life? The last time I heard from you was that you graduated with cum laude, that's marvellous!"

Though just like in high school days, every time you felt proud or just talked about people that you cared for, your eyes always glimmered with joy - and your voice, your voice sounded so much more cheery than usual. You didn't change.

"Gah, it was nothing!"

He felt embarrassed as he could not really take a compliment from you. So adorable, the little sister of the team that could always make the whole volleyball club do anything for you. "You, on the other hand. I heard you and Osamu are going to wed soon, right?"

But when he saw the agonizing look slipped from your face, he really wanted to take it back.

"We are not together anymore." You muttered the sentence, pain coated every word that you said. "Yeah, we are- Osamu and I, we are not together anymore, Akagi-san." You said it as if you still couldn't believe it, that the relationship you had with the businessman was nothing but a mere memory.

And he couldn't believe his ear either as he tried to let the information sink in.

You and Miya Osamu were the power couple, everyone in the high school was jealous of the two of you. Not because Osamu was the perfect man, not because you were the kindest person that Inarizaki ever had. But it was all because of the relationship itself.

Ever since you dated Osamu in your first year (and him in the second year), never once had the team seen you fighting with him. The two of you could always talk things through, without ever raising your voices at each other.

So he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe the love that had been perfectly kindled since ten years ago - could be shattered.

"Oh, I-" He put his hand at the back of his neck, feeling guilty that he made you remember the relationship that you once had. "I am sorry, (Y/n). I really am."

"Nah, it's fine." You hid all the sadness that was shown before, replacing it with your usual cheery, gentle facade. "Nothing we can do to fix it. So I just have to keep moving forward! Someday I will be fine."

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