The Dumb One || Miya Atsumu

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Enjoy these drabbles for the time being!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"You are what now?" You put the spoon in your hand to the bowl, worry linger on your voice as you heard him whine on the other line.

"I am late! And fuck I will not hear the end of this." Somehow even when the two of you are not catching eye to eye, you can see how his lips pursed into a frown.

Your boyfriend and some of his teammates from Black Jackals are invited to this joined training drill in the USA. He jumps ups and down like a child when he came home that day, immediately tackled you to the ground without warning.

"You wouldn't believe this!" He finally stopped pampering your face with kisses, hands cupping on either side of your cheek instead.

"Oh, yeah? Try me, you big baby." You giggled from his enthusiasm, booping his nose softly, eliciting a small chuckle to roll down from his lips.

"Ehem," He cleared his throat before pulling you to his embrace, one hand was now dramatically put on his chest, "I, Miya Atsumu, invited to a joined training camp with some other professional volleyball player in Ame—"

Before he could finish the words though, you were now the one who tackled him. He yelped a little from your sudden action, now confused as you circled both arms around his neck, nuzzling at his broad chest.

He parted his lips to ask about your sudden affection. Yet you beat his words in a second,

"I am so proud of you."

And he swore it was the best thing that he ever heard—because it came from you.

"Earth to 'Tsumu!" You raise your voice, and there is some crackling noise on the other line, "Goodness, please don't tell me he drops his phone."

"Sorry, sorry, I just dropped my phone." He answers truthfully, making you roll your eyes in annoyance (though your lips tugged into a smile, a total contrast indeed).

"Why are you late, though? You usually call me maybe around half an hour ago." You are now fixing your composure and continue to shove the cereal to your mouth as you listen to him.

"Bokkun being bokkun, decided to eat something extra spicy for BREAKFAST!" By just that information only, you can see where is this going to lead, "He is inside the bathroom for forty minutes! And dear god that smell after that— I need to borrow Omi's spray before I dive in."

You try to hold back your laugh, shaking your head as you can picture the chaos in the hotel room. It is his nightmare indeed to be on the same room with the rowdy wing spiker. And the fact they almost have the same energy makes everything worse.

"Are you still taking a bus, 'Tsumu?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Why...? You really ask me why?" You blinks, doesnt understand how his mind works, "You are late! Bet the others already arrive at the gymnasium now. They are using the metro, right?"

"Uhuh, they all prefer to see the walls and the tunnels."

"You are dumb." You blurt it out, of course doesn't mean it— okay maybe a little, but not really, "You are already late, and you choose to use bus instead?"

You expect him to whine and maybe blurt out some words. Or even maybe calling you dumb too without reason. Yet you are only answered with silence, "'Tsu—"

"The signal is bad." His voice is not playful anymore, "When we arrive at the metro three days ago, I realised that the signal is bad." You can catch the exhausted sigh on the other line.

"And...? Why do you need the signal so bad?"

He groans at your question, making your forehead scrunches up due to confusion.

"I told you that I am going to call you before and after practice, didn't I?" Oh, "And how I can fulfil that promise if I don't have signal?" I am such an idiot.

"Oh my god, I am the dumb one here." You mutter under your breath, and you know that he heard it by the soft chuckle at the other line. You want to apologize by saying that he was dumb by taking the bus.

Because you are the reason behind it. You are the reason why he had to take the bus even though it's not beneficial to him.

But Atsumu knows you, you are not the only dumb one in this relationship, he knows that so well.

"Nah, it's fine. We both dumb anyway." He sighs, but now it sounds so gentle compared to before, "We just happen to be dumb for each other and that is something that I love from us."

At least you are his dumb, and he will never ask for another lover.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I am still not ready continuing Phantasm Blues hh.

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