Homesick || Oikawa Tooru

11K 280 169

Pt. 1 of Home Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Knock knock knock!

The urgent knock could be heard from the door, made the poor man to opened up his eyes. He fell asleep on the hotel room's desk; neck got cramped from the position. His brown eyes gazed to the window, seeing the sun was already down as the hotel room he was in right now only showered with moonlight. Suddenly, another set of knock intrude his hearing once again,

"Tooru, we are hungry. We are going to search for something for dinner," The voice of his teammates made him jolted, his mind still jumbled up after his nap, "Don't tell me you are asleep there."

"I-I am not!" He tried to sound as awake as he could be while he stood up and grabbed his wallet. The chuckle from outside noticing him that they knew about his secret nap, "I will be outside in a minute." Before going out, he stopped in front of the mirror. He spruced up the white shirt from his sponsor that got crumpled when he's asleep. His hair got a little bit messy, but it's not something that his hand couldn't fix.

"What took you so long?" The English accent from his teammate could be heard immediately by the time he opened up the door, "You look drowsy," Oikawa scoffed, a little bit annoyed as his teammates teased him playfully.

In high school, he was the one who usually teased his teammates and bullied his underclassmen. But here in a foreign country, he usually was the one who got teased. Though, he's grateful that they were just playing around.

"Please, I woke up like this!" He tried to act it cool, but instead, making himself cringed as his teammates laughed. The three of them walked to the elevator while he pouted the whole time. To kill the annoyance that was bubbling inside his head, he decided to grab his phone from his pocket, but he found nothing, "Shit, I left my phone in my room. You guys could go down first!"

The setter ran back towards the hotel room, panicking a little while he unlocked the key. His brown eyes were scanning the space, searching for his phone. There on the desk where he fell asleep, lay the black coloured phone that he treasured so much.

With a sigh of relief, he grabbed it and unlocked the key. A sincere smile appeared on his face when his brown orbs caught sight of his wallpaper. It was a picture of you, wearing his volleyball jersey from Aobajohsai with a wide grin on your face.

The picture was taken the night after their loss from Karasuno in his third year. You were there in his house to accompany her, and he remembers every line that you said towards him that night. But one particular sentence always struck his heart, step inside his mind like a cure for his every sorrow,

"You can lose in any match you play, Tooru. But you will always be number one in my life."

A single tear rolled down his cheek, remembering how you pronounce every syllable that came out from your lips,

"And no matter where you go, I will follow you. Because when we are together, it will always be home."

The loud ringtone from his phone woke him up from the daydream. He almost dropped his phone to the ground at the process, but thank god his reflex was quite good. When he knew it's just his teammates, he immediately answered the call.

"Have you found your phone?" Oikawa let out a snort at the question, shaking his head with how dense his teammates could sometimes be. He went out and locked his hotel room before answered,

"If I didn't find it, I wouldn't be able to pick it up." The brown-haired man goes down to the lobby where his friends were waiting for him. It's breezy around their hotel. After all, his teammates decided to choose one place near the beach.

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