When The Curtains Closed || Sakusa Kiyoomi

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Kinda excited for this one since this is the first time I write for this man.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Sakusa never closed the curtains of his bedroom's window.

He always loved to wake up and feel the warmth of the sun. It was like his personal alarm, reminding him that it was the time to wake up and a new day had come. So he kept asking himself sometimes, how you could still be deep in your slumber while the rays fell upon your face.

Though he didn't mind that at all, he enjoyed waking up first and admiring your calm expression. Some of the strands would fall forward, and he would gently tuck the hair away behind your ear, displaying a clear vision of your beautiful facade.

He never did something like this, allowing someone to be close to him. But there was just something about you that made him feel okay having you around. Maybe because you always acted so proper around him ever since he met you, or maybe because you respected his boundaries about not letting people near him at first.

With time, you became one of the people that he felt comfortable enough to touch shoulders with. Some more time passed and you became someone who he loved enough to kiss. Someone that he shared his bed with, warming his cold feet and the one who laid beside him every night, heads rested on the same pillow.

He let you, he let you into his life once upon a time.

And he kept questioning why he stopped doing so.

He was not supposed to be jealous. To feel nausea and the craving to punch the guy that had his arm around your waist. Ever since he saw you walk through the door that led into the bar, he had been asking himself —

Since when you were now in a relationship with someone new, as he was still there being haunted by the love that already ended three years ago?

On top of it all, you were with someone that he knew too well had a messy, cluttered locker. Someone that he knew well had a shitty, annoying personality. Someone that he never thought would be your type with how his mouth never seemed to shut.

A total contrast to him, that's for sure. So how come you were now laughing in the arms of Miya Atsumu?

He never expected to see you, at least not in the circle that he was going to be stuck with until his contract with the team was over. You never cared about volleyball, you didn't know anything about the sport that he was involved in since he was just a little kid.

Your hand was always soft, at least that was how he remembered it back then every time he was afraid that you would get lost in the crowd. There was nothing about you that screamed sport junkies. You were just a normal woman that he fell in love with before.

Just a normal woman that he was still — in love with.

So to know that right now you sat in the lap of the blonde setter (who probably had his mind predominated with volleyball twenty-four hours a day), it just seemed not right. Like something was off — and right now, he was trying to figure it out.

His eyes bore into your figure, noting every little detail as your shoulder shook from too much laughing. It was still the same, your laugh, nothing had changed as if it was just yesterday you packed your bag and slammed the door shut from his apartment. You still had your eyes closed when the joke became too much, hands clenching on the fabric of your clothes.

But when he looked at the smile that followed afterwards, he found what was different.

You used to have a gentle smile, soft and comforting that was just always there. Either when you read a book, scrolling through your phone, or just doing nothing but having your head rest on his shoulder — your smile always brought him to a peaceful state of mind.

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