In Circle || Suna Rintarou

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Someone from Tumblr request a part two for "Round and Round", so here ya go!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Bzzt bzzt~ Bzzt bzzt~

You let out a groan the second your phone vibrated. Hands mindlessly searching for the said item as you don't even budge from your bed. Your alarm is not even ringing, so who will it be that calls you when the sun still even hiding from the horizon?

You squint your eyes when the light from the screen attacks your vision, hissing like a vampire. Right now you really wants to curse anyone who wakes you up. But when your eyes finally adjust with your phone, you can't stop a smile to grace on your lips.


His name works wonder in your life, as if by just hearing or seeing the name that you have known since high school — is enough for you to boost your entire day. Without wasting another second, you slide your phone and pick up the call.

"Don't you know that this is a fucking 4 am?" You coat the excitement with an exasperated groan, rolling into the cold sheet of your bed as your eyes stare at the ceiling. "What do you want?"

Ever since high school, you always give him the snark side of you. Every word that rolling down from your lips is something that supposed to make him go away. But even after years had passed, even when the two of you are now having a steady job and can take care of yourself — he never leaves.

"It's cold you know?" His voice is a little raspy, a sign that makes you wonder if he just wakes up like you. "To have no one by your side." You raise one of your eyebrows in confusion, wanting to snort because you are sure your best friend will never say something as melancholic as this. At least not when he is sober.

"Rintarou, you are drunk aren't you?" Now you are worried as you sit upon your bed, back leaning towards the headboard. "Where are you right now? Could you send me the address?"

You wait for him to say anything, to maybe give some hint for his whereabouts. But nothing comes out from his lips for seconds, and right now you can't help but wear your jacket to cover the thin pyjama that you wore, ready to search him. "Rin, please tell me you are at least with—"

"But it's warm now." He chuckles all of a sudden, making you stop whatever you are doing right now as you focus on his voice. You try to hear anything from the other line that can give you a hint of where he is right now. Though, there's nothing but his fading breath. "It felt so warm, I love it here."

You swallow a huge lump. Is he perhaps inside a hotel or something? Maybe he's with someone — a gorgeous model or athletes which he always caught being together with the past few days. Is that why there was nothing but silence? But then again why, why would he called you when he already has someone.

"She is pretty." You snort a little, trying to coat the pain that starts to seep into your heart. "Such a beautiful creature." Like yourself, Rin? You really want to blurt that out, but it wouldn't be good — either for you or for him. "She made me feel like home."

This is like a routine to you, to hear him ramble about all of his lovers or hookup as he want to find the one. You are the kind best friend who will always be there through thick and thin, you are the best friend which he can trust. The very same best friend, that accompany him on every step of the way.

Even if someday, he stood on the aisle to kiss someone, you still would be there — always.

"Yeah?" You lean your body on the wall, trying to steady your breath. "So I guess you are safe right now, right? You are with her, she will always keep you safe after all, isn't she?" You promise yourself that no matter how the stories unfold between you and the professional middle blocker, you will stay anyway.

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