Querencia || Oikawa Tooru

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With a large bowl full of popcorn, a little girl, not older than six years old, sat in the living room with her legs crossed. Her eyes focused on the television in front of her, munching the light snack as she waited.

"Mom! It will start in a minute!"

She shouted, informing her mother who was currently sweating due to heat in the kitchen she was in. The little girl shouted for you, her mother that would do anything for the whole family.

"Let me just get this cake out from the oven!" You shouted back, arms trying to get the sweat off from your forehead. With carefulness, getting the tres leches cake out from the oven. Your nostrils twitched, wanting to devour the freshly baked sweets,

"Mom! Dad's appeared!" The shout made you panic, resulting in you almost dropping the cake. Thank god having a hyperactive daughter made your reflexes quite good.

You calmed down when the cake was steady again. Letting out a long sigh, you compose yourself before putting the cake neatly on the kitchen island. With ease, you take off your apron from your body, hanging it on the spot beside the fridge.

Your eyes scanned the kitchen once again before leaving, making sure that everything was under control. When you were sure that there would be no fire, that's when you strod to the living room, your husband's voice filled the whole room.

"What took you so long, mom?" Your daughter asked you once you sat beside her, she leaned her body towards you immediately, mouth still munching the snack that you prepared for her before.

"The cake, my princess." You wrapped one of your arms around her tiny frame. She fed you some popcorn as the two of you looked at the figure who was now being interviewed, "Oohhh! What do you think about dad's suit today?"

Your daughter squinted her eyes, and you already know what her answer would be when you saw her scrunched up her nose.

"Dad should go with a darker shade of green," She stated bluntly, watching her father laughing at the television for something that the interviewer said, "Really, with that chartreuse color, he looks like trash."

You choked on the popcorn when you heard the nickname, making the poor girl panic when you started to cough repeatedly. When you didn't stop coughing, she immediately got down from the couch, running to the kitchen.

She's back in seconds with a glass of water in her hand, you grabbed the glass immediately, gulping it down until the bottom of it. Your daughter giggled at how tired you look,

"Trash? Did you just call your father trash?" Your voice was like a dagger to her, but an amused look in your eyes made her know that you were just joking around, "Let me guess, Uncle Hajime?"

"Yes!" She climbed back to the couch, sitting on your left thigh, "I mean, dad's suit looked like trash on him." You hummed, acknowledging your daughter and gave her a little peck on the side of her head.

"So, who would be the one that loves to ramble about their own family?" The interviewer asked the whole Japanese Nationals Volleyball Team in front of them, "I mean, most of you already had someone in their life, right?"

"Let say we are all proud of our own family," The black haired middle blocker stated, body leaned forward a little as a cheeky grin appeared in his face, "But Tooru was the worst, he couldn't get enough of his wife's attention!"

"Eww," Your daughter voiced her thought all of a sudden, "I suddenly remembered that one time in the locker room! Bwergh~ I want to puke," You blushed immediately, closing her mouth with your palm to shut her up.

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