In the Rain || Miya Osamu

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You stood in front of the grocery store with a pout gradually slipped to your facade. The azure light was so bright an hour ago, the breeze was warm as it touched your skin. Thus the reason why you went to this place by foot instead of using the car.

But now, the sky decided to cry at whatever breaking their heart at this very moment. The sun was hiding under all of the clouds that filled the horizon, raindrops hitting the road mercilessly. Generating the swarm of people to run around with their bags on top of their head, trying to shield themselves from the water that struck their skin.

You jolted when you felt someone's palm rested on your arm, caressing it gently as they knew how tense you were from the predicament. The touch was so familiar, and you calmed down immediately from his gesture. It was your husband, Miya Osamu,

"It's raining."

He stated the obvious scenario that was now unfolding in front of you, making you roll your eyes from his statement. If you were not stressed, you would chuckle and smacked his muscular torso. But no, you just bought something that could be destroyed if it made contact with water.

And you were pretty sure by the time you came back to the shop, it would be damaged already-noting how heavy the rain was.

"Samu, what should we do?" Your forehead scrunched up as you spun your brain, thinking about how to save all of the belongings on the bag, "Right now I really miss having a plastic bag."

"Hey now, you don't mean that." He wrapped one of his arms around your neck, ruffling your hair gently, "What did you buy? Aren't we just shopping for some ingredients?"

You opened up the plastic bag for him to look by himself, and he raised one of his eyebrows when he saw the device, "Hairdryer?"

"Yes. Tragic isn't it?" You huffed, blowing your hair away from your face that was tickling your nose, "Our hairdryer was in memoriam since our son decided to think that sucking the air from a plastic bag using the back of the hairdryer was a good thing."

"Oh, that time! But that was because he needed it. Something about making some rock properties for their drama play or something?" Osamu wanted to grab the groceries bag from your hand, a habit of him since he didn't like to make you tired. But you pulled your hands away before he could do that.

"Believe me, I am not going to get angry if it turns out good."

"It's that bad?"

"It's awful!" You let out your frustration, telling him the exact scenario that happened a few days ago. From other people's point of view, you would look like a feral woman ready to throw a child in a trashcan. But through his eyes, he just saw a tired wife that needed a break, and maybe some pampering that could make you feel at ease.

"And I swear to God, Samu. If he's not my child I will-"

Before you could say anything, he immediately clamped your mouth with his palm, knowing that it was just your emotion who ran your mouth at this very moment,

"Take a deep breath, okay? I will take my hand away but you need to promise me to take a deep breath with me." You closed your eyes and nodded at his statement, "Good."

He pulled his hand away from your mouth, guiding you to calm yourself down by running his thumb ups and down your arms. After seconds, you were back to yourself, but now letting out a long sigh as your mind clouded with the hairdryer that could be damaged once again.

You darted your eyes to the sky, sad by the fact that not even a glimpse of rays slid between the clouds. Even the sky became so much darker than before, and the rain never once gave you any mercy.

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