Hopeful Eyes || Bokuto / Akaashi

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Pt. 2 of Eyes Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Hey, are you awake?" You were curled up in your bed with tears still wetting the pillow, "I am going to work, (Y/n)." He didn't knock, knowing you were awake and didn't want to pester you. Your best friend was so sincere and patience, making you feel guilty for not answering, "I made you breakfast and lunch. Do you want something for dinner?"

There was no light in the room with how the curtain never moved an inch. It was dark and cold, and it had been like this for almost a month now. It's been days after the event when you take off the rose gold wedding ring from your finger. Somehow, you will linger your nails there, tracing the now empty space.

"I-I want onigiri." It's something that you and the editor enjoyed since high school, "I am okay with any brand." He chuckled as he heard your voice. You are trying to say something but too abashed to ask for it.

"You want Onigiri Miya, isn't it?" You pouted a little. He knew you like the back of his palm, "Alright, I will buy you some. I will take my leave now. See you tonight." But he didn't leave yet, waiting for you to answer.

He remembered how your eyes were blurred with tears when you stood in front of his house. You were shaking all over your body as you dropped your bag to the ground. He couldn't think at all, but the only right thing to do that time was to pull you in his embrace.

You didn't know where to go that night, and your family live on the different side of the country after all. When you share the news with your parents in the morning later, they are devastated. They knew how caring Bokuto was for you, and they knew how much you love him. So the fact that you two are not meant to be, shocking everyone who knew the two of you.

But then, no one could do anything to change the tragic reality.

"See you tonight, Kaashi." A smile emerged on his face. After days trying to make you talk more, a simple parting feels like a vast advanced.

You could hear the sound of the door closing, meaning that the black-haired man finally leaves for work. With that, you sat down on your bed, trying to accumulate every last piece of the will to live. You want to reach your phone and searching for information about your ex-husband.

"If I found you scrolling the social media to find Bokuto-san, I wouldn't hesitate to change your smartphone into a telephone."

Remembering what Akaashi said when he saw you moping on his living room, you shuddered. He usually calmed and composed, but he sure could be scary sometimes. You throw your phone back to the bed, decided to just grab some breakfast instead.

Three weeks had passed when you were no longer a Bokuto. It still made you frown as you think about it since you love that owl so much. Even now, you still love him dearly. You shook your head and grabbed the breakfast that Akaashi prepared for you. Sliding down on one of the chairs, you just realised how quiet this house is.

"Itadakimasu." You murmured, frowning at the lack of voice. Since married, you never eat breakfast alone. It's something that you two wouldn't miss, not even when he already falling out of love from you. You just stuffed your mouth with the delicious food, moaning here and there because Akaashi's cooking is like from a Michelin star restaurant- not that you have ever been in one.

After having a lonely breakfast, you cleaned the whole house as a token of gratitude. You need to get back to the real work as fast as you can so you didn't bother your best friend anymore. Even though he said that he didn't mind the company, you were still feel bad about it.

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