Grant her Wish || Kita Shinsuke

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Exam weeks would always be the craziest time in your life. You couldn't function properly, cans of coffee sprawled around your room, and the dark circles always appeared under your eyes.

You are not the type of top students, your brain was always jammed at school and you even questioned yourself how you could cope for years in a hell called school.

"You didn't look alright." You turned your head to the left and found your boyfriend with a worried look on his face, "How many hours did you sleep last night?"

The two of you were now walking side by side to the school, the routine that you insisted on even though he had a morning practice.

"Uhm, I think six." He squinted his eyes, and that time, you knew already that you were busted, "Okay, Kita-san. Please don't look at me like that." There's a little smirk on his face as you said that, but it was gone in a split second, "Two hours."

"That's worse from two days ago." You sighed, it's not that you want to have a little sleep, but you knew you could never achieve a good grade if you didn't push yourself, "You shouldn't have walked with me today," He was worried for your well being even though he didn't look like it, "And you need to sleep early tonight."

"What?! No way! I have to study more for-"

You almost tripped, but before your face could kiss the ground, his arm immediately circled around your figure. It was silent for a while, you were tripped because of your own feet who got jumbled all of a sudden.

He could feel how warm your body was even though there's a layer of uniform to wrap your body. His forehead scrunched up a little at the realisation,

He knew. He knew you were almost drained completely.

"Sleep early." He straightened your posture and stroked your hair, smoothing your hair that was a little bit unruly, "I don't want to hear any objection from you."

How could you say no if he stared at you with a stern yet caring gaze. But then, it was you who he was talking about, you could be so stubborn sometimes.

"No promises," You mumbled, but he heard you. It made him give you his usual stare that made you feel like it pierced into your soul, "W-Well, I will try, okay?" He sighed, he had been wondering how he could fall for someone like you.

At first, he thought his lovers would be someone who could take care of themself, someone who he could rely on sometimes, someone who was gentle and angelic.

But he fell for you instead, a girl that was related to the most irritating players in the volleyball team, the Miya twins.

"Tsumu! You couldn't say that to your twin!" You didn't know how you could be in this situation right now, "You seriously act like a ten years old child sometimes."

You were now standing in front of the Inarizaki gymnasium. Their mother asked you to give extra food for the twins since they would have a volleyball practice until late. Of course you wouldn't say no to your aunt.

"Yes, listen to your mom, Tsumu." Osamu remark made the other twin to enraged,

"Listen here you dip-"

"If you guys didn't stop now, I will never cook for the two of you again." They stopped immediately as you folded your hands in front of your chest, "That's more likely."

Somehow you question your life why in the world you were related to the twins. Ever since the three of you were a child, you would always be the one who kept them on their toes.

"You are in the way," You jolted when you heard someone speak from behind you. You turned around, glaring at the person who sounded like they never taught some manners.

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