Contented Heart || Kita Shinsuke

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The smell of Darjeeling filled the room, and you inhaled it in deeply into your lung as you put two spoonfuls of dried tea inside your teacup.

You yawned without even bothering to cover your mouth with your hand, pouring the hot water from the kettle as you brew a cup of tea. Your hand mindlessly grabbed the teaspoon on top of the counter, still drowsy after a long night wrestling with your husband.

Kita Shinsuke was someone full of surprises, even after years in a relationship with him, every day you could find a new thing to uncover. His usual stoic, emotionless visage was just a front. Under all of that was a man who could express lots of things without a filter.

You stirred the tea to make sure the sugar dissolved completely, focusing yourself to the sound of the clinking cup. Your mind was already preoccupied with breakfast, thinking about what would be the easiest to cook and yet be something that he'd enjoy.

Thus the reason why you couldn't hear his voice greeting you for the last couple of seconds.

"Good morning."

You jolted when his breath fanning your soft skin at your nape, voice penetrating right in your eardrum. Somehow the gesture made you feel so bare as if he could see right through you with the closeness that you shared.

A low chuckle slipped from his lips, loving the surprised expression that he thought looked cute on you.

"Morning, Shin." You answered softly before getting a sweet kiss pressed on your lips. It was just a second, but enough to linger for the rest of your days. Your orbs scrutinized his figure, pouting when you realised he'd already freshened up. "It's not fair how you look so beautiful without even trying."

You always envied how he constantly looked so tidy almost all the time (maybe indeed all the time). He was only up for maybe five minutes, but his hair was already combed neatly — even the wrinkles on his clothes seemed to be gone.

"Says you." A low chuckle followed his words. "Maybe if you combed your hair when you woke up, you wouldn't get this—" His fingers tried to untangle some of the knots on your hair, "—massacre on top of your head."

His lips tugged into a smirk, making you pout in an instant realising that you fell for his cheekiness once again. A boisterous laugh came from his lips and rang throughout the kitchen before it was muffled by him pulling your head on his face, leaving a small kiss on your temple.

"Come on, you know I am saying the truth." He still let out another chuckle. He couldn't help it, he just loved to tease you and see your lips pursed into a pout. "But the previous words are the truth too."

"Huh?" You finally glanced towards him, finding his brown orbs glimmering as he looked at you. "What previous words? I could only hear you being a sharp tongue like you always are."

"I said, says you." His palm went up to cup one of your cheeks, thumb grazing on your skin to feel the warmth that your body radiated. "You always look so beautiful, and you don't even have to try. You did it effortlessly."

Something about Kita Shinsuke — was the fact that he always said everything with honesty. People thought that living with him would be hard, knowing how sharp his tongue could be when he saw something that was lacking and just not right in his dictionary. He was dominant, to say the least, on every little thing that he did even without him trying to.

But the fact that he was always honest; soothed you. Because you knew that every time he scolded you it was because he knew you needed to be reminded, that every time you received his warning glare it was because he knew you could do better than that.

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