Need You Now || Kuroo Tetsurou

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The whole house was dark due to how all of the curtains were closed. There's no way moonlight could illuminate the space he was in right now. And it was his intention to do so, to just engulf himself in total darkness.

Occasionally, his phone would light up, blinding him numerous times until he decided to flip the screen towards the surface. The room reeked with alcohol and sweat, like you could find a dead body somewhere in the room.

Bottles scattered all around the floor, some even still have the contains inside, making the liquid dripped down the wooden floor. He didn't care at all, what he needed was the alcohol to repel the pain away,

To repel all of the memories away.

Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor

"Tetsurou!" You called out to your long time boyfriend, finally arrived in your home country after wandered in another contingent for college. He was standing there near the arrival gate, a flower bouquet in his hand while filming your arrival with his phone.

"That's my girl," He whispered near the phone, you were running, ready to engulf yourself in the arms of your beloved, "Look at her, as beautiful as al-"

"TETSU!" You tackled your lovers to the ground, delighted to finally come home, to finally be with him, "I miss you so much!" Kuroo laughed, trying to save his phone and put it in his pocket after turning off the camera.

"I miss you too, kitten." The nickname rolled from his tongue so smoothly. He held you close, didn't care anymore about where the two of you were at the moment.

People passed by, some of them smiled and chuckled for the couple, some of them embarrassed and just walked by like they had seen nothing.

The two of you survived the nightmare called long distance relationship for the whole four years. And right now, you were certain that the future would be so much easier with the two of you moving in together.

But then, some relationship works better with space.

Another shot of whiskey,
Can't stop looking at the door.

His bedroom door opened, and he didn't even bother to turn his head anymore. Deep down, he knew too well that it would never be you. So what's the point lifting his hopes up anyway.

"You look like a mess." The small voice that belonged to his childhood best friend, filled the quiet space, "Have you consumed anything rather than alcohol? It's disgusting."

He just snorted, looking for another bottle rather than answering the pro-gamer who was now cleaning up the scattered bottle with his foot.

"I am a mess, Kenma." He answered matter of factly, "And no, I haven't consumed anything yet, even water!" He blurted it like he was proud of it.

"She wouldn't like it," Kuroo almost gulped down another whiskey, but stopped when his best friend mentioned someone, "You know she never likes to see you drunk, so stop it."

Kenma really hoped that the bedhead finally out of his antics already. But instead of hearing the bottle being dropped to the ground, he heard a laugh instead, coming from the drunken man.

"What the heck do you know about her?" Kuroo said between the laughed, "She would never care, man. She's the one who left me."

Hearing the words rolled out from his lips, Kenma immediately squatted down and punched the wasted man with so much force. Kuroo chuckled bitterly, spitting out the blood from his mouth, "Feisty now, huh?"

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