Not Fine || Miya Osamu

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Pt. 3 of Fine Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"All your services are brutal today, Atsumu."

The setter's grip on his water bottle tightened when his upperclassmen — now fellow teammates on Japan National Team — stated his well being all over again. He didn't answer, nor was he willing to explain why he looked like he was ready to kill anyone on sight.

Though, the wing spiker knew. Ojiro didn't have to hear anything from the blonde setter. The news about the Onigiri Miya scandal was all over the nation after all. The drama that no one ever thought would occur, knowing how much the owner and the woman behind the company loved each other.

But sometimes, this life was not all about fairy tales and happy endings. Not everyone had the privilege to have the love that they wanted. Not everyone could have someone they love to be their lifetime partner. And Atsumu, he knew that fact for a long time, ever since the first moment he laid his eyes on you.

"My sister will join us at today's practice." The middle blocker said after munching on his lunch. "Hope you guys would be okay with that."

Atsumu groaned, hating the fact that there would be some kind of distraction. He didn't care less though, knowing he would not even spare a glance. But a new face at practice only meant that everyone would swarm them, like a toy that everyone wanted to have. Especially since they were related to the members of the club, that made everything worse.

"Does she really have to?" Rintarou rolled his eyes a little when the setter parted his lips. Not because of the question, but more like how the question was being thrown.

"My parents are going to be home late. They will kill me if she's all alone in the house." Though the brunette just answered a matter of factly, knowing for certain if he answered with the same tone, all hell broke loose.

"Tch. Is she just like another squealing pig or something? Can't she take care of herself?"


"No, Samu. For real, do all girls really can't defend themselves? Why is she being treated so highly you can't make her stay at home all alone?" The commotion was not necessary, but he just couldn't help it when someone had the potential to wreck the practice.

"It's all about being a great sibling, Sumu." The opposite wing spiker answered with his usual flat intonation. "Something that you really lacked off, ya know?"

"Hah?! What does that mean?!" Atsumu really wanted to throw some pickles at his twin. But somehow he could imagine the silver-haired man opening up his mouth to catch the food instead, so he chose to stay silent and grumbled under his breath.

He played with his food, poking the vegetables as he had a big pout plastered on his face. "What is she anyway? A princess or something?"

But by God, you were more than just a princess.

The second you walked inside the gymnasium beside your brother, his jaw dropped as he felt like he was blessed by the deity. You were not like any other girls that were usually so timid and acting all shy — no, not like that.

You had your chin up, throwing your soft smile to anyone that met your gaze. So confident, as if it was the thousand times you were already meeting the whole team. Rintarou didn't even need to introduce you, you already talked to everyone like an old friend.

Something about you just made him feel warm. Atsumu didn't know you, he didn't even bother to ask the brunette middle blocker for your name. But he swore even though you were just standing there, eyes still focused on anyone else, he could feel his heart singing.

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