Leave Me || Sawamura Daichi

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"I am afraid that you will leave me, Daichi."

"See? I know this would be your reaction."

"I could take care of them, but please don't leave me!"

Sawamura woke up with sweat trickling down his face. It was always like this, the same dream, the same nightmare that he felt ever since he decided to leave you alone to survive in this world.

Guilt, it was the guilt who always circled on his mind, never once piped down no matter what he did to erase the thought. It has been eleven years since then, eleven years he had become a coward.

For the people around him now, he was like a superhero. He's now the youngest superintendent general in the generation. Every day, he works hard and balances the paper and field work.

It was always his dream to protect everyone. But he felt like a hypocrite for neglecting you, someone who once became the love of his life.

His phone buzzed on the cupboard, making him groan as he questioned who would be calling him in the morning. He knew there's no rest for a general, but he took a break for two days to come back to his hometown.

Miyagi, the place that was full of memories, and yet he tried to forget.

The stoic face was now changed as he saw the name on his phone. Sugawara Koushi, his best friend since high school who was now the principal of one of the junior high schools in the prefecture.

"Hoi, Suga." A smile plastered on his face as he accepted the call, "What brings you to call me in the morning like this?" It was their routine, to call each other so their friendship would never wither.

"It's nothing, everything's fine." The voice on the other line sounded a lot more mature now, "You will come right? It's been years since we met each other!"

"How could I pass that?" Sawamura sagged his feet on the house slippers, walking to the kitchen to brew some coffee, "How was the school by the way? I couldn't believe my best friend was now a principal!"

"Well, I am glad I didn't wear any kind of fake wig, though." The two men chuckled at the memory from their last year of high school, "The school was great! There's not a delinquent on sight." There's a sound of another person from the other line,

"Wait, who was that?" The general wanted to tease his best friend, but he was only met by silence, "Suga?"

"Oh! It's my son." Sawamura widened his eyes when he knew the information, "He had been struggling for this one particular subject, so he came to me."

"What? Why didn't you tell me you have a son already?!" The black haired man wasn't feeling betrayed at all, but he wondered why his best friend never said anything about it, "And oh god, does the mother the same woman that you told me around seven years ago?"

His memory was good, he knew anything that his friends always told him. He cherished every information that he got from them, because every bit of their life was what made him going in his life.

"Yes, we actually have a private wedding," Sugawara chuckled, reminiscing the time when he first met his wife, "I didn't actually tell anyone about it at first." Sawamura chuckled, sometimes his friend could be a man of mystery indeed, "Enough about me, how are you doing there, general?"

Sawamura moved to Tokyo to achieve his dream, working hard and rarely having fun since the day he stepped foot in the city. And it was all paid off when he was given the title of superintendent general at the age of thirty-four.

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