Fine Line || Miya Osamu

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Spin-off of Fine Mini-Series

Through the eyes of Suna Rintarou.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Rise and shine, Rinrin!"

He groaned and immediately buried his head under the pillow, trying to muffle your cheery voice as he was sure the sun was not even up yet. Your footsteps could be heard as they came to a stop right beside his bed. "Come on, Rin..." Not again. "I prepared a gift for you under the fireplace!"

Christmas morning was always like this. Your strength somehow could wreck the lock of his door, thus becoming one of the reasons why he would never want to have any physical fights with you (not that you ever get angry at him anyway).

"What time is it?"

"Five o'clock."

You chuckled a little, knowing for certain how your brother despised mornings. He always slept late at night, usually playing video games with his online friends. Though you would make sure that he at least got enough sleep, especially when there was morning practice for his volleyball club.

"Ngh, why do you always wake me up at this hour every Christmas?" He groaned, voice a little bit muffled as he kept his face buried in the sheet. "I hate you sometimes."

No, I do not.

"Can't you leave? I don't like how you barge in my room."

No, stay. I enjoy your presence so much.

"Just go back to sleep."

No, no. Don't go back to sleep, stay. Wake me up like you always did.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

He groaned and immediately buried his head under the pillow, trying to muffle the sound of his alarm clock. He hated it, how every morning only reminded him of the fact that you were not here anymore.

When the two of you still lived together, you would knock at his door every morning — gently because you knew how it could make him feel dizzy if he woke up startled. Though it was a different case every Christmas morning. Because when the hallowed day came, you wanted nothing more than to spend as much time as you could with the whole family.

His hand mindlessly searched for the alarm clock. Clicking the button on top of it so the annoying sound would stop. And now it was silence, engulfing him as he was sleeping there all alone — still waiting for his phone to ring.

Ten seconds, thirty, sixty. It had been a minute and yet his phone screen didn't lit up, not even once for he was hoping that someone sent him a message. Not just some random person though, he was waiting for one particular name to pop out; yours.

Every morning since the two of you parted ways, you never forgot to call him, or if not — maybe leave a message. It was your routine, one of your habits as you just wanted to make sure he eats a proper meal, that he slept well and kept himself hydrated.

You never once skipped a day, not even when you were exhausted after working so hard to help your fiancé expand Onigiri Miya.

But there was no message or phone call from you, not anymore. And the first morning he woke up without any of your greetings around ten months ago, he knew that deep down — you found out what he had done.

He pulled his pillow off from his head, staring into the ceiling as he waited for the sun to peek behind the curtain. The temperature was freezing, and he wanted to just curl up in bed all day long, accompanied by the heater that was enough to help him cope with the brutal weather.

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