When The Storm Passed || Kita Shinsuke

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Pt. 2 of Storm Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Regret. A word that haunted him ever since one fateful night where he only looked forward from. He still remembered that night as if it just happened yesterday. His mind replayed to the memories like a broken record, one that no one could fix.

Hello, how are you? How is life?

It had been years since the last time he saw your face. But every little emotion that you once evoke, every single word that rolled down from your lips, everything about you still adheres to his mind. Even after the season changed, months after months, the storm still had the power to ravage his life.

If only he let you in, if only he turned his back and chased you like a madman, would the storm pass and turned into a rainbow instead? Would you be here? With him?

Sweat trickling down on his skin as the rays of sun hit him without mercy. But he was alright with it, bowing down to make sure each seedling was planted neatly. This was the time he could only find peace, taking care of the rice fields as if they were his children. Maybe because he thought they were indeed—his children.

Being here became the only way he could give out the love inside his heart. Through every good quality seed, every movement he made as he embedded the tiny beads into the soil, he gave the feelings that he should have poured towards another human being.

But he didn't trust his feelings anymore, not when it stayed and yet, he couldn't give it to her.

He couldn't give it to you, in consideration of how you never belonged to him.

Wasn't it what he wanted from the start? To never let you in? Despite the realisation that you already struck his heart, maybe it was for the best. He did not know much about love except the one that he got from his grandmother. And to have someone as perfect as you to be his cavy for love would be an embarrassment to the universe.

So he had to endure whatever pain that caused by the storm called you.

"Where is Osamu?" The setter had his phone on his ear, a frown emerged from his face as the only thing that he could hear was some beeps. "I wanted to borrow some money for shirts, yet he was nowhere to be seen somehow."

Atsumu kept grumbling under his breath, muttering curse after curse as his brother didn't once pick up the call. The entire team snickering from how pouty and childish the scary setter looked at the moment, stomping his foot and blowing some raspberry like a spoiled child.

"I think he went somewhere with (Y/n)," The libero just finished tying up his shoes, "Knowing them, probably making out somewhere on whatever quiet place they could find."

The others chuckled at the remark—ah, to be in lovewas something that not everyone had the chance to feel, especially while they were all still hormonal teenagers. Yet you and the opposite wing spiker always clicked in one way or another.

While everyone laughed at this, teasing and gossiping about the couple, Ojiro couldn't help but spare some glance towards the captain that decided to keep silent. Even after days had passed, the sight of him with tears cascading down his cheeks still persisted.

It was the second time the wing spiker saw Kita Shinsuke cried. One time when he received the captain's jersey; which lasted for around five minutes, and the second time when he realised that he was falling for their manager. While this one—lasted for even minutes after he dropped the captain off.

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