Not Anymore || Kageyama Tobio

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Kageyama Tobio didn't know what he needs to do when he saw you there, talking with one of the Miya twins while wearing your usual smile. It's been years since the last time he saw you, years since he left you not long after he knew that he will join V.League around five years ago.

Should he approach you? Are you going to be okay if he greets you? But somehow, he couldn't help but remember the look in your eyes that one time. Maybe he should just turn his back and leave the place where he stood right now. That would be the best option, but he seems to be taken by your presence.

His eyes bore on your figure, noting every little detail as you laugh. Your smile never changes, it's still the same smile that you used to wear when cheering for him on the stands. You still love to play with your hair, and it always calmed you down somehow. And your laugh still the same, a laugh that could make everyone in the room cheered up.

"Tobio," You called out to him, "Hey, I am here." He was sobbing and curled up in the corner of his room. When you heard he was home, you immediately ran there, knowing he needs someone to accompany him tonight. 

Today, Karasuno has lost from Aobajohsai, Oikawa Tooru's school. Your boyfriend practised hard every day to show his senior about how much he has changed. He is not the same tyranny king as he used to be in Kitagawa Daiichi. But still, luck is not on his side today.

You immediately wrapped your arms around his figure. It was tense at first, still new with this feeling. You are his first girlfriend, it surprised everyone when they know someone would want to date him. Kageyama wouldn't lie, he was surprised when you say that you like him back.

Slowly but surely, his figure started to relax at your touch. You pulled his head to your chest, kissing the crown of his head and cradle him on your lap. His arms timidly circled on your neck, clinging on you like a baby.

Both of you stayed like that for a while, no words were spoken, but you knew your gesture was enough to make him understand the love that you were ready to give for him,

"H-hey," His voice was harsh after crying for hours, "Is it okay if you stay for the night?" The gaze that he gave to you was desperate, so the only right thing to do was accept him. He moves your body to his bed, pulling you to his embrace as he becomes the big spoon.

"You are so cute sometimes, Tobio~" You cooed, teasing him to ease the awkwardness from the air.

"I-I am not!" He pouted, but his arms wrapped around you tighter. You snuggled into his neck, feeling the warmth from his skin, "Hey, (Y/n)." He gulped, eyes staring to your messy hair. You hummed, still enjoying how his touch soothe you, "Can you promise me something?"

"Hm? What is it, Tobio?" You looked up at him, widened a little when you realised how close your face was. He was stunned too, especially with how your breath touched his lips, "Tobio?"

"S-Sorry," Blush crept on his cheek as he said it, "Please promise that you will never leave me." His voice sounded serious, it's like he couldn't imagine his life without you already. You blinked, didn't know what to say at first.

Confessing is scary, that's what always lingering in his mind. But he knew you, even if your answer wouldn't satisfy him, you will say it so carefully that he wouldn't mind at all.

"Okay," You smiled, kissing his nose at the process, "I would never leave you, Kageyama Tobio." He closed his eyes as you leaned in, touching your lips to his. It was soft and he feels like he was a winner today, already forget about the event this evening. The kiss was quick, not more than ten seconds, but it feels like forever.

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