Who Have You || Miya Osamu

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Pt. 2 of Epiphany Mini-Series

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"You know, if looks could kill, Suna would be dead by now."

Osamu jerked his head to the side, frowning when he saw the amused look on his twin brother's face. The setter is currently gulping down some water, it was break time after all. From that, he immediately smacked the back of the setter's head, resulting in his twin to spill all the water from his mouth, "F-fuck, Samu!"

"That's your fault for being an asshole." A little smirk tugged on the wing spiker's lips. Atsumu's eyebrows twitched immediately, and he threw the half-empty water bottle towards the grey-haired man.

"Shut up you-"

"Both of you act like children," Your voice rang in between their quarrels, making the poor twins jolt. "If Kita-san was here right now, he would be disappointed." Their shoulders slouched immediately, feeling guilty under your gaze.

"I am sorry,"

"We are sorry."

It's always like this, the two of them would become putty when the name of their ex-captain was being mentioned. As their manager, you acted like a substitute for Kita, making sure the whole team stayed intact.

Both of them stood side by side with their heads hanging low, ashamed of what they did. Even though it would happen again every day, you would always be there to remind them and give them an earful of a scold.

Osamu stole some glances towards you. You stood in front of them wearing the Inarizaki jacket and matching pants. Your eyes looked annoyed as you were now focused on the setter, lecturing him about how twin brothers were supposed to act around each other.

Your lips would be pursed into a frown every time Atsumu tried to talk back at you. It was a sight to behold because you were like one of the rare species who could tame the feral setter. Then there were your eyes, he was always so captivated by how it glimmered.

Your orbs were always filled with sensibility. There would always be something inside, either it was joy, sorrow, or rage. It could be anything, but never once it looked empty. Then your gaze laid on him, that's when he could feel his stomach flutter.

Something that always happened to him, but never once he recognised why.

"What's wrong with you?" You snapped your finger in front of his face, making him jolt as he realised the entire team was looking at him. "Are you sick? Can you hear me?"

If only he was Atsumu, maybe an immense blush would already adorn his face right now. He only swallowed down his saliva, eyes coming back at you before answering,

"I am alright," His answer was simple, but that's enough to make you feel relieved.

Two pairs of eyes never leave the interaction between the wing spiker and the manager. One pair eyeing them with an amused look, knowing for certain that one of them finally realised their feelings. While the other pair of eyes, staring down at them, orbs filled with jealousy.

"Why didn't he get a lecture?!" Atsumu scoffed, annoyed by the fact he was the only one who you scolded,

"Because I have known you all since the first year of high school," You put your hand on your hips while you stared at the whiny man. "And ninety-nine percent of it, the one who started the whole thing would be you, Miya Atsumu."

"Ah, the truth has been spoken." Osamu snickered at your remarks, he stole some glances at you, and dear god you looked so cute as you giggled. Though, the comment that he just said made the setter enraged,

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