Secluded Booth || Miya Osamu

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"One more, please."

There was disapproval all over her face as you pushed the empty glass of beer towards her. Nagisa was a waitress in this diner that had become your second home, the place that was introduced to you by the one who owned your heart.

The place that even now that he was not yours anymore, still held a special place in your heart.

"That was your second glass, (Y/n)." She let out an exasperated sigh, one that you answered with a simple shrug since you just wanted to forget. After all, you couldn't trust yourself when you were sober, everything was too much to handle even though it had been months since you broke things off with him.

"Come on, you know I can handle it. Why are you serious anyway?" You chuckled, trying to ease the tension that of course was swatted away by her in an instant. But even though she didn't like the fact that her friend used alcohol to lessen the pain, she actually knew when too much was too much.

She filled the glass once again, slamming it lightly right in front of you as a warning. Her orbs pierced into your eyes, trying to intimidate you.

"This is the last glass."

"Why, thank you."

You raised the glass as if to clink a cheer and smiled, gulping it down your throat like it was the first drink that you drank today. From behind the glass, you could see how she shook your head, yet decided to stay still in her place to keep an eye on you.

Before, she didn't have to worry that you would somehow drink too much beer. For years, you always came here with someone's arms wrapped around your waist, dark grey eyes never leaving your body as if you were the only person that mattered in this universe.

For years you had someone that would be there, telling you to stop drinking when you started to show any sign of drunkenness. For years that same person always made sure that you ate well, enjoying the time that you spent with him in this very same diner, both sitting down at the corner booth that was secluded from prying eyes.

And now, without someone else keeping their eyes on you, she was afraid that something would happen.

That somehow if she just averted her gaze for a second, she wouldn't see you again.

The tingling and familiar laughter could be heard as other patrons came in, one that somehow made you straighten your back for those laughs was the same one that always accompanied you for years.

Your pupils dilated in horror, yet you tried to swallow down the pain for every single gulp that you took. Nagisa eyeing you with concern written all over her face, one that suddenly turned into anger when another laugh came from another direction. The unfamiliar laugh — a laugh that replaced yours.

That was a sign for you to put down your glass. Afraid that in a few seconds, you would tremble all over your body and let it crash to the table, making a ruckus. You were glad when a couple of laughs walked past you, indicating that neither of them recognised your rigid body sitting on the stool's bar.

Nagisa hissed and cursing under her breath, ready to mess up whatever they were ordering.

"That motherfucker I swear—"

"It's alright." You swallowed a huge lump, biting your lip as you tried not to let any tears spill from your eyes as the aching feelings started to build up. "I am not going to be here for a long time anyway."

The air was so thick as you tried not to move around too much, didn't wanna show how nervous you were. His calloused fingers skimming through the paper as brown orbs read the passages again and again. Sometimes you could even see him raise his eyebrow, forehead scrunched for a millisecond.

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