Main Character || Tendou Satori

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It was cold today, the early spring always made you crave for some extra warm. And for the past few months, you were grateful to have him here by your side. He may be lean and not really muscular, but the fact that he's taller than you, feels like he engulfed you every time he became the big spoon.

"You sure Ushi didn't mind us cuddling here again?" The two of you were longing for each other's warmth since the break after the school year began, "He once caught us making out and trust me, I could never forget the look that he gave to us."

You chuckled when you remember that particular time. Teenagers being teenagers, making out in a place that everyone could come in any time. And for the two of you, it was none other than the blunt ace, Ushijima Wakatoshi.

"I already told him that I am going to borrow the dorm," His long finger grazed on your cheek, gently caressing it as you leaned to the touch, "Well, if he forgot about that then he just have to face us being lovey dovey~" You turned your body so you were now facing him, "Why you look at me like that?"

You didn't answer as your eyes looked at how smooth his hair was when he didn't use hair gel. Your fingers playing with his red strands of hair, and he purred like a cat every time your finger grazed his scalp. To the world, he was a terrifying man, someone that you didn't want to be closed with.

But to you, he was just a man who's afraid to be close with someone else. The world was the terrifying one, not him. If only they just waited patiently while approaching him, they would unravel a heavenly creature behind his dangerous facade.

You were grateful not to hear what the others thought about your lovers. You were grateful to never judge someone with how they looked outside. You were grateful to approach him that day when he tripped while everyone was too afraid to help him. Because if you're not, you would never lay here with him, comforting each other with just being present.

Tendou Satori always looked at you like you were some kind of angel. He's not a fan favourite, no matter how good he was in volleyball. It was always Ushijima this, Ushijima that, Semi this, Semi that, no one ever want to even talk to him if it's not necessary. So when you crouched down in front of him at the spring of his second year, it was the first time he felt like a normal human being.

He has noticed you since a long time ago, way before you helped him that day. You were one of the high school sweetheart; kind, patience, overall didn't even have a bad trait. He always wondered why someone like you wanted to be with him, a monster, or anything that people always called him.

"What's in your mind, Satori?" Your voice woke him up from the wild thought, "You looked... lost for a second there." Worried coated your eyes as you gazed at him. Your fingers never stopped fondling on his red hair, "Mind telling me?"

But he only shook his head, decided to just put his head on the crook of your neck. You were like a safe haven for him, the place where he could just be himself without people looking at him and judging him. Even though you were ticklish over there, you let him be. After all, you knew what always crept in the back of his mind.

So you let him be, until he could open up to you completely.

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The red-haired man was pouting the whole day, wondering why you were out of his grasp these past few days. He decided to check your classroom, maybe you were busy with homeworks already. Every time he walked in the hallway, everyone always made way for him.

It was convenient, since he didn't have to collide with the others. But at the same time, he felt like he never belonged there. Like no one wanted him to breath the same air as him as they stole some glances at him, looking at him like he was some kind of satanic creature.

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