I Am Fine || Miya Osamu

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Spin-off of Fine Mini-Series

Through the eyes of her.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

To you, having someone that you could love until the end of time was surely a blessing. For the past years of your life, you had that. For the past years of your life, you were blessed by the existence of someone that made you feel complete, that made you feel so alive every time you woke up with him by your side.

His touch was so gentle. His fingers always tucked the strands of your hair behind your ear. The reason for that was simple — he wanted to see you more clearly. He wanted to gaze at your eyes, the gentle, warm orbs that filled with love.

The love that you had for him was something out of this world. Something that even his twin brother and teammates get jealous of. You dropped everything, your long time dream which, if you had pursued it, would take you thousands of kilometres apart from him. Why? Because you wanted to be with him — and every dream that he had was bound to be yours in the end.

So you couldn't really blame them if he would be treated differently after what he had done to you.

Sometimes you asked yourself what would happen if you didn't fall in love with him, you wanted to know another scenario that could have unfurled in your life if only he was not the one who had your heart. Would it be the same? Would you still feel this immense pain that kept hurting you with every breath that you take?

Or would you get your happily ever after?

You eyed two bottles of sleeping pills in your hand. One that felt like hope since the dose was lowered, a sign that you were starting to get better. But the other one, you needed to lie to get the other one.

Your upperclassmen was sharp, you could see the hesitation on his face as he got the sleeping pills for you. You shouldn't have asked him, you shouldn't have lied and given him hope that you would be fine. Saying that you would be there standing tall at the wedding venue of your brother and someone that you loved.

It was all a lie, you had lost in this game of life as it brought you nothing but guilt and heartbreak. So you opened up the two bottles simultaneously.

"I am sorry, Akagi-san."

Because now, falling into a deep slumber until someone woke you up, sounded like the best decision that you could take.

"Slow down or you will choke yourself, dumdum." Hearing the nickname made you roll your eyes. You didn't hear him out though, and kept shoving the quiche in front of you without resting. "(Y/n), oi!"

As if on cue, you swallowed a little too fast and choked at the food. The blonde setter could only shake his head in disappointment on seeing you like this, but the way his lips quirked up in amusement could make everyone see how the man was not really disgruntled by your action. "I told you so." He opened up a bottle of mineral water and handed it to you.

You snatched the drink from his hand and gulped it all down in one take. The second you slammed the bottle on the table, you eyed the expression that belonged to your company. His amber orbs looked at you with shock written all over his face, mouth agape as he couldn't believe you just gulped down half a litre of water.


"You are one crazy bitch." He chuckled before his fork took the last bite of your quiche and threw it inside his mouth. And before you could protest, he opened up his lips once again. "I am the one who paid." He said it with his mouth still full with the bite, making some of the crumbs spills all over the table.

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