Chapter 51 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 89 | Guests: Girls' Generation | Part 2

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Don't stop! Let's bring it back to 1:40~


"Noona, aren't you taking a little too long fixing my hair?"

There is a 15 minutes break for the cast and the guests of the show to rest a little and also for them to go to the restroom. James is being stopped by Yeonhee to fix his hair.

"Yah.. Taeyeon is your seatmate, and she is really cute and pretty. You need to look good while sitting with her.." Yeonhee is busy fixing James' hair.

"She's really cute isn't she? with the pigtails and everything" James remarked.

"Exactly! That's why you need to look good. Someday in the future, when you watch this episode you will thank me.." Yeonhee

"Araseo.. gomawo~" James just let Yeonhee do her job. "Where's Yuna noona and Minji noona?" he asked.

"Oh they went with some of the staff of the show to see the new uniforms.." Yeonhee replied.

"New uniforms? that's cool.."

"Okay.. that should do it!" Yeonhee finished fixing James' hair. "You can go back there, now".

"Gomawo noona" James thanked her and started walking.

"Oh.. and try not to faint in front of Taeyeon" Yeonhee teases him.

"Haha, I'll do best".

Just several seconds later someone caught up to him while he is walking back to the set.


James looked behind him and saw a girl in uniform with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh.. uh, annyeong.." James instantly bows to the woman.

"Are you going back now?.." Tiffany is talking to him in English. James smiles and nods. "Mind if I join you?".

"Uh.. s-sure.."

Tiffany and James are now walking back together to the set. Since Tiffany started it, both of them are conversing in English.

"uh.. you want some?.." James shyly offers Tiffany some of the breads he is holding.

"Oh, thank you~" Tiffany gets one from him. "You're bringing snacks?" she asked about the breads.

"Taeyeon mentioned earlier while playing that she is hungry. So I'm bringing some for her.." James explained to her.

"Aw, you are so sweet~ Taeyeon is lucky to have you as seatmate~ You must have really liked her.." Tiffany commented,

"Oh.. I-I like all of you.." James replied.

"Well I mean because she your favorite, right?.." Tiffany told him. "Yeah~" James shyly nods.

"By the way, congratulations on your stand up tour, that is awesome.." Tiffany congratulates him.

"Oh, t-thank you so much.." James is slowly getting lost with their conversation. There's something about Tiffany when she is talking in English, a unique charm in her voice that will make you fall in love in every word she speaks.

"Are you going to have it here in Korea?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes, but the venue is still being finalized.." James didn't respond for a good 2 seconds before he snapped back.

"Ohh, I would love to watch your stand up live. Is there a date yet?" Tiffany seems like she really have been following James' career as a stand up comedian.

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