Author's Note

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This is Kpop Idols/Celebs x Male reader. The main character, you the male reader will use the name James (its just that i like the name lol), but if you're a female you are still very welcome to read the story.

This is my first time writing so please bear with me, and i would be very very thankful if you have suggestions on how i can improve my writing. I've been reading a lot of fanfics/stories and i have been thinking this kind of story for a long time so i decide to give it a try.

As you can see, im a huge kpop fan. I just love it! Since '08. Lol!

If you are wondering about the title, like its kinda doesn't make sense since this is about Kpop Idols/Celebs story, well you will understand it later on in the story. 

I'm not sure how often i will publish chapters since I'm working, but i will try to publish chapters when i have time, or at least once a week.

The 8th Brother - (K-Idols & Celebs x OC/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now