Chapter 15 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 45 | Guest: Actress Lee Si-young | Part 2

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Lee Siyoung now starts to give her question to begin the "Quiz About Me" segment of the show.

"...Before I debuted, what was my job?"

Kyunghoon raised his hands to be the first to take a guess.


"Haha! Wrong!"

"Hotelier?" Yeongchul said.


"Do you have a religion?" Kyunghoon asks.

"Why would you bring up religion?" Soogeun laughs.

"You want to match your religion to her didn't you.." Heechul said.

"No. I was going to answer she was a monk if she said she was a Buddhist" Kyunghoon explains and the people at the back of the class laughs even more.

"Oh god its even funnier to hear Kyunghoon hyung answers in person.." James laughingly said to Sangmin, and he agrees.

"Which one of us would best fit that job?" Heechul ask for another hint.

"hmm.. Soogeun.. and maybe James also.." Siyoung replied.

James and Soogeun got shocked upon the mention of their names. Soogeun quickly try to take a guess and James follows.

"Kindergarten Teacher?"




"Swindler?" Soogeun took another guess.

Siyoung laughs but instructed Soogeun to get down for the punishment afterwards.

"Get down?.. why?"

Soogeun did what Siyoung told him. He gets down on the floor and Siyoung approaches him with a toy hammer. Siyoung make sure that Soogeun is in the right position before hitting him. BAM!. Siyoung slammed the toy hammer to Soogeun's ass, it so loud that it echoes in the whole studio. The other cast got a bit scared and shaking at Siyoung's strength.

"damn.. I was about to say a silly answer.." James rethinks of answering Siyoung's question.

"Actually thanks, I had a hemorrhoid and it went back in" Soogeun manage to say something funny after his punishment.

"Another hint is because both Soogeun and James are very social" Siyoung gives a hint. That give way for the cast to say a bunch of wrong and funny answers, until..

"..Racing girl?" Janghoon said, in which no one expects. Siyoung and the cast just laugh at his answer.

"Hyung stop liking racing girls!" Heechul said.

"She could have been one! And when did I like them so much?" Janghoon retorted.

The cast starts to give Siyoung silly answers. One in particular is Ho dong's answer where he also got punished for, he answered 'Con artist'.

Siyoung gives them another hint.. "It has something to do with baths"

"Is it a person who scrubs off your dead skin cells for you?" Janghoon quickly said another silly answer that make Siyoung laugh.

"Sports massage?" Sangmin said.

"Janitor!" James yelled and Siyoung laughs harder. "Yah she too pretty to be a janitor" Heechul yelled at James.

"Clerk at a sauna?" Soogeun answers.

"No, but close.."

Finally someone got a close answer. The others started to raised their hands and calling Siyoung's attention wildly. But Siyoung settle them down to give way for Kyunghoon to answer. "Hold on. Kyunghoon raised his hands."

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