Chapter 72 - First friend

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"tadaima~" Makoto just got home from work, and he was immediately met by their servants.

"Okaerinasai, Makoto-sama~" the servants politely greet their boss.

"Arigatou~ did you guys already eat dinner?" Makoto smilingly asked.

"Not yet, Makoto-sama. We just finished helping Chifuyu-sama cook dinner~" the servants replied.

"Oh, that's why it smells good, haha. Anyway, let's all eat now~" Makoto smilingly said to them.


"How was your day?" Chifuyu warmly greets her husband. She also gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Good. Not a lot of work than usual, I just read a lot of reports today" Makoto replied.

"By the way, Inui-san called earlier, he said that all the preparations are done and everything is ready to go" Chifuyu shared some good news with her husband.

"That's great! After a month of delay, it's finally on the run! I'm happy for you~" Makoto is happy and excited to hear that his wife's project has finally started.

"Arigatou~" Chifuyu happily replied. "But Inui-san holds it for today. He will begin the operations tomorrow~" she added.

"Oh, that's fine. You know Inui-san, he is a very patient man. He might be inspecting and analyzing everything so that there won't be any problems. I'm sure he is double-checking all the supply chains since that's where we had a problem, and that caused the delay in your project~" Makoto explained.

"I know, that's why I asked for his help. He knows this kind of thing more than anyone else~" Chifuyu remarked.

"Yeah~, oyaji wouldn't entrust all the operations of Okiya Group to Inui-san if he's not good at those things" Makoto chuckled.

"I should've asked for his help from the start. The delay on the project would've been avoided~" Chifuyu laughs in regret.

"So, how's the second stage of the project?" Makoto asked.

"All good! I got her confirmation this morning. And there's one more thing left to do~" Chifuyu smilingly replied and winked at Makoto.

"Haha, did you call Shu already?" Makoto laughingly asked.

"Not yet. I will call him tomorrow. He's still busy with his surprise to Irene" Chifuyu replied.

"Do you think he will accept it?" Makoto chuckled.

"I'm sure Shu will accept it, especially when he finds out that she will be part of it~" Chifuyu smilingly told him.

"Well, I hope Irene won't get jealous~" Makoto laughingly remarked.

"Jealous? hmm,... I think we don't have to worry about that. I'm pretty sure Irene is not that kind of girlfriend. She has no problem with Shu doing dramas, so I think this simple project like this wouldn't be an issue" Chifuyu contemplates a bit as they head to the dining area.

"That makes sense~" Makoto nods after hearing his wife's explanation. "Why you didn't invite Irene to be Shu's partner instead? I'm sure she would love to work on a project with him, and the same goes for Shu..." he asked.

"I honestly would love to but Shu will already be the face for the Korean market and as well as international market. Then, of course, I need a Japanese for the Japanese market" Chifuyu explained.

"I see. Well, that's a little odd since Shu is not even a Korean, haha" Makoto laughingly said.

"Yeah, but he is now making a name in South Korea and I want to help him on his career" Chifuyu explained. "By the way, where's Seiichi?" she asked.

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