Chapter 75 - Without a warning

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More than an hour later after the radio show, James and Yuna had just arrived at one of the best and one of the most well-known golf courses in Seoul. James never played golf and he doesn't even have a plan to give it a try by himself, mostly because he thinks it's a sport for rich people. But since one of his celebrity friends invited him to play, he might as well try another sport to see if he is missing out on something.

"Thanks for coming with me here, noona~" James thanked Yuna while he is preparing himself.

"No problem. Did you even know how to play golf?" Yuna asked.

"Aren't you suppose to just hit the ball and see it fly?" James laughingly replied as he doesn't really know anything about golf.

"It's more than that~" Yuna let out a laugh.

"Mianhae, I've never played golf before~" James giggles.

"Then why did you accept the invitation?" Yuna asked.

"It will be kinda rude not to accept Krystal noona's invitation. Plus it's nice to experience playing golf at least once~" James replied.

"Well, I hope you won't embarrass yourself, although that is expected to happen since Krystal will surely beat you~" Yuna laughingly remarked.

"Thanks for the support~" James sarcastically said to his manager. "Can you at least cheer me up even a little?".

"I'd love to but it will go to waste~" Yuna chuckled.

"You're right, haha. Good thing Dongwook hyung let me burrow his golfing stuff, I don't have to buy it for myself since I'm sure I won't be playing golf often~" James remarked.

"Don't speak too early, you might end up liking it~" Yuna told him.

"I doubt it~" James replied.


"Hey! You made it!" Krystal smilingly greets James as she stops her golf cart right in front of them. "Wow, you look good. It seems like you're ready~" she then playfully compliments him.

"I have to at least look good and know how to play since I'm pretty sure I will suck at this sport~" James laughingly remarked.

"Haha, don't worry, I will teach you~" Krystal said to him.

"Oh, by the way, this is my manager, Yuna noona~" James then introduce Yuna to Krystal. "She's here to keep an eye on me, you know, in case I got injured by hitting in the head by a ball or getting run over by a golf cart~" he laughingly and jokingly added.

"Haha, there's a very low possibility of any of that happening~" Krystal giggles. "Anyway, let's go meet my friends so we can start..." she told them.

"Sure, after you noona~" James and Yuna hopped in Krystal's golf cart.


After about two minutes of a short drive through the beautiful golf course, they are almost at their destination.

"Wow, this place is very nice~" James commented. He is sitting beside Krystal, who is driving the golf cart. "This is where you always play golf?" he asked.

"Not that often, but yeah. We also played in other golf courses~" Krystal explained.

"Thanks for inviting me noona. It's nice to experience playing golf at least once~" James smilingly thanked Krystal.

"Haha, you're welcome. Although, I wished Irene unnie is here as well~" Krystal replied.

"Yeah, me too. She's very busy right now. They just came back from Chicago and they already got another schedule..." James replied.

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