Chapter 10 - Visit at BTS' dorm

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The next morning James woke up early to cook 3 dishes for his visit later to BTS' dorm. First is one of his specialties, tomato-based pasta with grilled prawns and basil leaves on top. Second is, also one of his specialties he called Devil's Chicken, the name speaks for itself, this dish is more of prank but to those people who survived eating the dish, it is really delicious. And lastly, a traditional dish from his country(choose any traditional dish from your own country).

After a couple of hours, both dish are cooked and prepared, James finish taking shower, its now time to go. But before he went straight to their dorm James drop by the restaurant where he met Jungkook for the first time, he bought some tteokbokki. 

After a 25 mins ride from the cab, he was dropped off to the address given to him by Jungkook. 

 "Eh.. this neighborhood is familiar.." James looks around the neighborhood ".. I'm pretty I've been here before." He shrugged it of since he can't remember why the neighborhood is familiar and he resumes on locating BTS' dorm.

After walking down the street James finally see on what is look like the dorm, base on Jungkook's description. but since he wasn't sure he decides to give Jungkook a call. After the call Jungkook met him outside of the dorm.

"Hyung! Long time no see" Jungkook gives James a quick bro hug. "Come inside.."

James follows Jungkook inside the dorm. He was met by Namjoon and Yoongi.

"It's nice to finally meet you" Namjoon said. 

"Hey dude same.." James shakes Namjoon's hand. 

"Hello, I'm Yoongi.." Yoongi said.

"Oh man.. I know.." James shakes Yoongi's hand too.

"Hyung are you okay?" Jungkook asked James.

".. Yeah yeah.. I just can't believe I'm standing in front of BTS.." James is starstruck.

And suddenly the rest of the member finally show up to greet their guest. The BTS members gives James a short tour of their dorm.

"Sorry we have a small dorm and it's kinda messy.." Yoongi said. 

"No, its okay.. my apartment is way smaller then this" James replied. ".. Oh by the way guys I brought some foods for you guys"

"Really? wow thanks" Jin happily gets the bag of foods, "Why don't we eat first?.. before Jin hyung eats all the food?" Jimin asked everyone. "Yeah we better.." Taehyung replied. They all went to the dining area, the members are busy preparing the table and unpacking all the food James brought. 

"Wow this smells delicious.. what is this?" Taehyung asked while smelling the food.

"Oh that is (name of the traditional food/dish from your country), it's a dish from my country. Hope you guys will like it" James replied.

"Nice we have pasta too!" Namjoon got excited when he saw the pasta. 

"Hyung did you cook all of this?" Jungkook asked.

"Yup, except for the tteokbokkis, I bought them from that restaurant we met" James replied.

"Wow thanks hyung.."

"Hey James, what's this?" Yoongi asked James about the black lunchbox.

"Oh,.. um.. well that's one of my specialty.. Devil's Chicken. But you can only eat that if you are brave enough and ready to suffer the consequences.." James smiled mischievously. Yoongi just stare at him blankly for a couple of seconds, then slowly put down the lunchbox..

"I have a bad feeling about this.."  Yoongi mutters.

"What do you mean by that?" Hoseok asks.

"You know what guys.. don't eat this, I don't want to get into any trouble" James reached for the lunchbox but got stopped by Jin.

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