Chapter 24 - Hallway

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With just 3 days left before Christmas, people are flocking the shopping districts of Seoul. All are buying Christmas presents to their family, friends, and special persons in their lives. The upcoming holidays are making a lot of people busy. James also joins in the Christmas shopping after he heard that Haewon and her family are going to Seoul to visit for the holidays, he quickly went shopping to buy presents for them.

He is currently in a toy store to buy present for Haewon's son. He spend a good 30 minutes roaming in the toy store to find a good toy, but he have no idea what toy is good for a 1 year old.


James looks to his side to find a small child tugging his coat.

"Oh annyeong.." James sits down and lowers himself to the child's level.

"Ahjussi.. I saw you in tv.." the child said to him. "Really?" He is surprised that even a small child knows him, and what even more surprising is that a child like this is watching the show.

"Do you see me on tv? Do you know my name?" James asked the cute child. "J-Jaymie.." the child cutely said. He just laughs at how cute the child, he doesn't know if he is going to correct the child. "Kamsahamnida! Actually it's James, but you can call me Jaymie.." James figured that the child must having a hard time pronouncing his correct name since it is not a Korean name. "Ahjussi, you're with Ho dong, Heechul.." the child tries to tell him the names of the cast.

"Wow.. yes that's us. kamsahamnida. How old are you?" James lightly pinch the child's chubby cheeks. The child raised his four fingers to show James that he is four years old. "Oh.. four.. oh no.." James laughs nervously after finding out that they have a four year old viewer.

"Do you watch by yourself?" James asked. "Ani~~ mommy, daddy, noona.. watch the tv.." the child replies. "Okay, that's good to hear.." James let out a sigh of relief, he know that some of the things they said in the show are not for younger kids.

Moments later the older sister of the kid come to get him,

"Omo!!" the sister is surprised that her brother is talking to James. ".. c-can we get a picture?" the girls shyly asked him. "Sure, why not" James smiled at her.

"Are you his sister?" James asked the girl after they took a photo. "Yes oppa, I'm really sorry, he ran away while we are at the cashier" The girls explains. "Oh, hurry, your parents must be worried by now" James told her. "Yes, Kamsahamnida!" the girls then picks up her little brother. "Oppa I always watch the show. You are a lot cuter in person hihi" the girl said to him before leaving. "Kamsahamnida, take care", James waves goodbye to them. James has decided to just pick a stuffed toy because he needs to hurry and buy the other presents.

After about more than three hours, the only persons left on his list are Haejoo's parents. While he is looking for a present for them James receive a call.

"Jonghyun hyung! What's up?" James answers the call from Jonghyun.

"Hey James, do you have time today?" Jonghyun asked him. "Yeah, I'm almost done shopping. Why hyung?" he replied,

"Can you drop by here at SM? I kinda need your help for something" Jonghyun asked him to meet him at SM Entertainment.

"W-what? There at SM ent?" James is surprised.

"Yeah, you know where SM is right?".

"Y-yes, hyung.. I uh... I just need to go back to my apartment real quick, I had shopping bags with me." James told him. "Sure, no problem. I will inform the front desk that you have special meeting with me, they will let you in right away." Jonghyun said to him. "Okay hyung, thank you. See you later." James replied to him. "See you!" Jonghyun ended the call.

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