Chapter 43 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 81 | Guests: Apink

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Several weeks after his birthday.., James is still cannot get over how amazing his birthday was. Even though he still cannot celebrate with his family, there are a number of people who treated him as family and make his birthday special. From the Yoo family who helped him during his disastrous start when he arrived in South Korea and made him as part of the family. James is forever thankful to Haejoo, the young girl with the most pure and kind heart who didn't hesitate to help. From the comedians, veterans and amateur alike who helped him to jump start his unexpected career in local and international scene, in which he also consider as family. From the Kpop idols who became James' close friends and made his life in South Korea full of happiness. From all the other celebrities he met through work or just a random encounter, that later on became his friends or family as well. And of course, his Brothers who welcomed him in the show and treated him as equal. All these people have became an important part of James' life now and making him happy. What he didn't know is that these people are very thankful that they met him because James have a huge impact in their lives being a kind loyal friend, brother, and colleague to them.

On his birthday, was the same day of the airing of Twice's guesting in Knowing Brothers. The episode get a fairly high viewer ratings, but the aftermath is what made it became one of the show's most talked about episode. Twice's rising popularity is a given reason for it, but another reason is the youngest brother in the show. James playful answer in Dahyun's question during the 'Quiz about me' segment of the show, that looked like a diss/roast directing towards JYP has become a trending topic, which resulted to hundreds and thousands, probably millions of people who watched the episode to laughed their assess off. It's all good because even JYP himself posted something about it since he was watching that episode at the very day. His own words are, "I really did gave James-ssi permission to make jokes/fun of me. But I didn't expect it to be that way haha. He made sure that I will never forget it for the rest of my life lol.." JYP also added laughing and crying emojis.

That also caught the attention of one of the biggest star in the country, IU, who even posted the clip in her own SNS(IG) in which she tagged James in the post, who then followed him later on. This was a shock to James, he didn't expect that IU herself will react to it and openly shared her reaction to the public. This little interaction with IU and James might turn into something bigger in the future.

Also after his birthday, there are things that begin to change, specifically between James and Irene. Since then, everyone around them feels like there is something odd between them, in a good way. Something has changed in how they treat each other but no one can point it out.




James is currently in the middle of filming the latest episode of Knowing Brothers, their guests today is Apink, one of the cutest and hottest girl group out there.

"I'll tell the first question.." Eunji starts off the Quiz about Me segment by being the first one to give quiz to the Brothers. "When I auditioned for the first time, there's something I heard that really surprised me. What is it?"

"I know!" Heechul is the first one to answer but he answers while imitating another celebrity, "You can't become a singer if you sing like that.."

"Are you imitating Simon Dominic?" the girls are laughing at Heechul's impression.

"Why do I sound like him whenever I use a dialect.." Heechul said. "Can I hit your head?" Eunji asks him and ready to hit him. Heechul said yes and it didn't took a full second and Eunji hit him hard with the toy hammer.

"Ohh.." the Brothers are surprised how strong Eunji is. "That was really powerful!" Hodong commented.

"Who else?" Eunji is waiting for the next person to try and guess an answer.

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