Chapter 55 - First Date

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"I'm asking you out~"

After months of suppressing his feelings for Irene, James is finally asking her out. Many stressful nights he had been through, thinking whether if what he is feeling towards Irene is love, or it is just an admiration to her for being one of his favourite idols. Months of battling himself to prevent confessing his true feelings after finding out that it is in fact, love. Realizing that Irene's feelings towards him is genuine love as well, James decided to stop being scared and gives Love another chance.

"Y-Y...Y... You're asking me.. out?" Irene is stuttering as she cannot believe that this is happening, finally. She started to feel warm feeling in her heart as James is looking straight deeply into her eyes.

"Yes. I'm asking you out. I want to go out on a date with you.." James clarifies and makes it clear that his intention is to go out on a date with her.

Irene is just staring at the man she loves quietly. Those words pierces through her heart and into her soul, this day has finally come and it is really happening.

Irene blushes and a lovely smile appears on her face, ".. I'd love to~".

James' eyes twinkles and his heart is like jumping out of joy that Irene accepts and officially going to a date with him. Their first date..

"I will pick you up later at six. Kamsahaminda~" James smilingly bows to Irene. He then walks fast and exit the dorm.




"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" the girls squeals as soon as the door closes. Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri are all jumping and clapping their hands while they are hugging their leader, who is still stunned from what happened.

"Araseo~ Araseo~ girls calm down..." Wendy composes herself and asking the other girls to do the same. "Araseo..... we have a lot of work to do. We need to prepare Irene unnie for their date later. We need to make Irene unnie the most beautiful being in the whole f*cking universe!!" Wendy is too excited that normal and clean words is not enough to express it.

"Yah~ Wendy-ah!" Irene laughingly scolds Wendy.

"Aniya! We need to make James falls in love with you even more. Irene unnie and James better be a f*cking couple after the date!" Wendy doesn't give a damn if she gets scolded by their leader as she only have a goal in her mind.

"Yes!!" the girls agreed and they drags their leader to her room.

All Irene can do is to let her members do what they want as she cannot stop smiling and blushing while she kept replaying that moment in her head where James is asking her to go out on a date with him.

Upon arriving in Irene's room, the girls started raiding her closet to find the best clothes suitable for their first date. Irene is just sitting in her bed with a huge smile in her face.




As promised, James drops by to the Yoo residence to visit Haejoo and her family because it is still Chuseok, and they wanted him come over. This year is actually the first time for James to celebrate Chuseok since his arrival in South Korea. Last year's Chuseok happens to be on the same time when James was still doing that comedy tour before he became a celebrity when he came back to South Korea.

After he had lunch and a little catching up with the Yoo family, James is currently sitting alone in the living room watching tv. Mrs. Yoo forbade him to help them do the dishes because she knows that James will definitely lend some helping hand to them. For today, he is their guest.

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