Chapter 65 - The Queen

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Dozens of cameras started flashing in a crowded conference room when two of the famous celebrities in the country walks in. Reporters and journalists are all lined up in front of the stage platform. The two celebrities took their seats in the table, facing the media.

"Annyeonghaseyo~ thank you everyone for coming to join us this lovely morning. First of all, I would like to apologize because this event has been delayed for about a week because of some minor changes. So I would like to thank everyone for waiting and still showed interest to witness this event. Now I don't want to waste the time of each person inside this room, so we will just head to the main event. Shall we begin the signing of contracts~" Yuna gives a lovely smile to the crowd in front of her.

Today is the day of James is going to re-signing or renewing his contract to UAA. A year ago, he signed an exclusive one-year contract to UAA, with the help of his big sister in the industry, Song Hye-kyo. James choosing UAA and signing a contract with them had opened a lot of opportunity for him in the entertainment industry. With the help of UAA, James is now one of the most talked about entertainer in the country. Well, besides the reason of James being involved in dating rumours with Seolhyun, Mina, Irene, and even Kim Go-eun, in which technically counts as publicity. Also, one of those rumours.. turns out to be... true, well sort of. But most of the credits goes to UAA for supporting and creating opportunities for James.

James begin to sign the contracts in front of the media, the public. And sitting beside him is the face of UAA, one of the famous names under the company, his big sister, Song Hye-Kyo. The actress is present because she wanted to show support for his 'baby' brother in the industry. From the start, and until James has finished signing the contracts, cameras are clicking and the flashes are non-stop. The clicking sounds and flashes of the cameras doubles up when James officially became a part of UAA again. After the picture taking, and shaking hands, and other stuff. The top persons of the management take the podium to speak to everyone in the room.

"Good morning everyone~" Mr. Ahn of UAA is now at the podium. "First, I want to thank everyone for coming. And second, I apologize if this room is a little... small for this event. It's just that we didn't expect that.. this many media personnel will come. But anyways, UAA is very pleased to announce that one of our top talents decided to stay and trust us to be his agency again for the next two years. Please welcome L/N James-ssi~", Mr. Ahn presented James as one of the top talents of UAA. James stood up and bows to everyone in the room while he is receiving an applause. "Also present with us this morning is the face of UAA, and technically the one who should get the credit for bringing in James-ssi to our agency, Song Hyekyo-ssi~" Mr. Ahn introduced the top actress as well. "And of course, one of the highly respected talent agents in the country and the head of our talent agents, Ms. Park~" Mr. Ahn has now introduced the important people present in the press conference.

"Before we begin and ask some questions for James-ssi, Ms. Park have a little something to say.." Mr. Ahn now passes the stage to Ms. Park, and he went back to his seat on the right side of James.

"Annyeonghaseyo~" Ms. Park speaks in the mic in front of her in the table. "First, thank you again coming to witness the signing of one of our top talents~".

James gets shy every time they call him as one of their top talents. He put his head down and shyly laughs each time they addresses him that. Song Hyekyo can't help herself but to laugh every time, because she know that James hates and still not used to getting such compliments and high praises.

"And second, I want to say to James-ssi that... I'm right! Look, I'm exactly right~" Ms. Park said and James burst into laughter, as well as Song Hyekyo. The room started laughing as well because of the cute way Ms. Park said it and the reactions from Song Hyekyo and James. "When James-ssi called me to say that he will be staying, I was very happy because he is one of our top talents. So, I thanked him and I told him that there will be media coverage and press conference when he sign the new contract. James-ssi immediately said, 'No!'. He told me that there's no need for that, and that no one will be interested. But here we are.. so thank you everyone~" Ms. Park explained what's going on and she laughed at the end.

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