Chapter 50 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 88 | Guests: Girls' Generation | Part 1

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Ayo, GG!~


"Yo!" Janghoon enters the classroom. Youngchul, Sangmin and Kyunghoon are already inside the classroom waiting for the rest of the cast.

"Did you get the CD?" Kyunghoon asked the giant Brother. Janghoon nodded and congratulates him, "Congratulations on hitting the top of the charts. Every one of Kyunghoon's band albums reaches the top of the charts".

"I will keep playing your songs in my radio show" Youngchul said to Kyunghoon.

"Gomawo~" Kyunghoon thanked him. "Last weekend, me and my parents are listening to James' radio show and he also played our new song.." he added.

"Speaking of.. where is he? I didn't see him backstage.." Janghoon just realized that the youngest Brother is missing.

"He's.. you know.." Youngchul is gesturing him about something. "Oh right, okay okay.." Janghoon remembers what the production did to James.

"By the way, are you going through some kind of phase?" Youngchul asked Janghoon about his new hair look today.

"No. Not at all" Janghoon coolly shakes his head.

"What's with your hair?" Sangmin also pointed out about Janghoon's hair.

"Look who's talking.." Janghoon retaliates about Sangmin reggae dreadlocks hairdo today. "I don't think I'm the one you should be worried about. My hair is nothing compare to his".

"Janghoon-ah, it looks like you didn't use any wax" Youngchul said to him.

"No, I'm just wearing it down" Janghoon replied.

"Wearing it up is clearly the hairdo of the rich. Doesn't he look so poor with that hair?" Sangmin laughingly commented.

"Gwenchana.." Janghoon let out a small laugh.

"Oh.. what's going on? come on!" Soogeun enters the classroom and the first thing he saw is Sangmin weird hairdo. "What were you thinking? You're wearing a mop" he started making fun of Sangmin's hair. He then looked at Janghoon and he burst into laughter after seeing that there is another one with a different hairstyle today.

"What's going on?" Heechul enters the classroom and he is right in time to notice Janghoon's hair as Soogeun started laughing at it.

"You looked like you've been dumped" Soogeun commented, he is still laughing his ass off. "I told you to be nice with her" he added.

"Don't I look younger?" Janghoon is proud of hi hairstyle today.

"What's wrong with your hair today?" Heechul is not liking Janghoon's hairstyle. "Were you trying out Song Mino's hairstyle?".

"Of course not.." Janghoon told him.

"What the hell...." the youngest Brother finally arrives. James is also surprised to see the hairstyles of Janghoon and Sangmin. "Is this the right classroom?" he then step out of the classroom and pretends to look at the classroom number. The Brothers are laughing at his reaction. "This is our classroom" Kyunghoon laughingly said to him.

"Are you two okay?" James is already giggling as he asked Janghoon and Sangmin.

"I'm trying to start the reggae look trend.." Sangmin explained.

"Did you got a divorce again?" James is now targeting Janghoon. The Brothers burst into laughter as well as the production staff. James quickly runs away to the other side of the classroom away from Janghoon just incase.

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