Chapter 6 - A night with an Idol

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Two weeks has passed and James has been busy doing stand up. He's been performing in different cities while still being a regular in Happy Seoul Club. With his name continue to become famous in the comedy club scene, many comedy club owners and organizers has been asking James to perform. His growing popularity and with the number of big names who already watched him, James now caught the attention of big agencies and organizations. The pressure is now catching up on him and he needed to come up with new jokes. 

After his performance in a comedy club in Busan, James went back to the hotel. Tired, James skip dinner and went straight to his room but not without saying goodnight to his fellow comedians who is with him to perform. He plopped himself to the bed as soon as he was inside the room. Feeling tired but not sleepy, James is having a hard time making himself sleepy so he decided to open his phone for awhile.

There's a number of unread messages from Haejoo, Kyuhan, and Lee Soogeun. James decided to open first the message of Lee Soogeun..
"James, call me asap once you get back here in Seoul. Good luck"

James sent his reply to Lee Soogeun.

Now he reads the message from Kyuhan..
"Hey i heard you are touring to different comedy clubs in the country. Visit us if you happen to perform here in Yeonju. Take care."

James sent his reply to Kyuhan.

James decided to just call Haejoo since he knows a text message won't be enough to her. After a 15min talk, James finally felt sleepy so he said goodbye to Haejoo. Knowing how tired he is and he might over slept, he decides leave a message to his fellow comedians to wake him up if ever he over slept. But when he open his contacts he saw something that made him face palmed himself..

"Dammit, Seolhyun.. I forgot to call her.." James said to himself. ".. meh.. its not like she waiting for my call or something I'm no one" James laughs to himself then throws his phone on the other side of the bed.

"But it is somewhat kinda disrespectful if I don't call her" James looking at his phone. "We've been through this James she is just drunk that's why she did that" James lied down on the bed closing his eyes.

"But still..." James got up and grabs his phone. "Ah whatever I'll just call her so I can stop thinking about it"

*Ring... ring...

*Ring... ring...

*Ring... ring...

"Yeah Im right she is not going to answer.."

*Ring... ring...

*Ring... *picks up*


"Oh.. umm.. Hello Seolhyun...?" James is starting to get nervous.

"Yes, who is this?" Seolhyun asked in a suspicous tone.

"It's James, we met at Ha-" James was cut off.

"Ya!!! What took you so long?!" Seolhyun shouted almost making James deaf.

"Did you know how long I've been waiting for your call?!" Seolhyun continues shouting over the phone. "It's been more than two weeks!!" Since Seolhyun is shouting it got the attention of her members since they are in their dorm.

"Hey what's wrong?" Hyejeong asked.

"Don't worry its nothing" Jimin said trying to calm the other girls.

"Who is she talking to?" Mina ask

"Ya!! James!!..." Seolhyun is really upset.

"James? Who... wait is that the guy you told us?" Choa asked.

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