Chapter 21 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 53 | Guests: I.O.I

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"Woow! The desks almost fill up the entire classroom.."

The cast enters the classroom and were surprised to see that there is a lot of desk. Sangmin enters first then followed by Janghoon, Kyunghoon and James.

"Kyunghoon, Congratulations! Sweet Dream is doing well" Janghoon congratulates him on the success of their song. They all sing the song while waiting for the others members.

A few more minutes the members are complete..

"Guys, today is December 3rd.. it means it is our first anniversary!" Ho dong reminds everyone of their anniversary. "I sincerely compliment all of you for doing your best" Ho dong said to the members.

"It feels like yesterday, I was just watching you guys before on tv and now I'm a permanent member here.." James tells everyone. "Oh right, right! He wasn't with us in the beginning.." Heechul said. "Actually Sangmin is also wasn't in the beginning.." Soogeun added.

"I'm curious, after being here in 'Knowing Brothers' did you guys gain more programs.." Kyunghoon asks.

"Of course.." Soogeun and Sangmin nodded,

"This show is the trigger that made people search for us.." Soogeun explains, and the members agrees with him. "Because of this show Ho dong filmed a lot of commercials" he added, and Ho dong becomes shy.

"I lost programs.." Yeongchul said, "Hyung it's okay, just think of me.. this is my only show" James tries to comfort Yeongchul, "Yeah but you are bound to get into more show.. you're doing well.." Yeongchul replied.

The cast continue to talk about how they gain popularity to younger generation. Before Knowing Brothers younger kids doesn't know them, even Heechul and Kyunghoon admits that kids doesn't know that they are idols as well.


While they are talking the door suddenly opens..

"Ohhh! They're back!" the members happily welcomes today's guests. It's I.O.I.

"Wahh... woah..." James is surprised seeing how many members they have.

"Among them, Chaeyeon came out on this show the most.." Janghoon pointed out that it is her 3rd appearance in the show.

"Attention!" Sejeong calls the attention of the cast.

"It's nice to see you all.We--- uh, We're I,.. I.O.I from Keep Wanting To See You High School.." Sejeong tries her best to introduce their group but she messed up and stutters a bit, she might be nervous.

"How can you mess up? We called you God Sejeong" Heechul said to her.

"Are you scared of us?" Yeongchul asked, "You guys are too intimidating.." Sejeong replies.

"You guys are celebrities now. We are so proud of you guys!" Soogeun gives them a round of applause.

"So I.O.I, was only planned to be active for only one year?" Ho dong asked and the girls nods sadly. "So this is your last variety show?" he asks.

"Yes! It's our last variety show together.." the girls replied and they were all sounded sad. "So we hope you can be nice to us today," Somi said to the brothers.

"We should think about it in their shoes, they worked so hard as a team for a year then they have to separate and go their own ways.. Imagine how would they feel right now" Ho dong tells to the brothers imagine how were the girls feeling.

"Not very well", "We're sad", "We're gonna miss each other" the girls replies.

"The only thing you can do is meet up often and keep your friendship.." Heechul said, "Yeah, meet each other often and have a glass of soju together" Janghoon agrees with Heechul.

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