Chapter 26 - Bracelet

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Today is the 27th of December, the original day where Irene and James planned to meet for the first time. But after that unexpected visit in SM building, both of them accidentally met each other. It is not how they wanted to meet each other, but things will happen eventually if it is destined to happen, it's just that it won't happen the way you wanted it to be.


"eh.. there's a lot of snow today.." James is looking at the snow falling from the skies through his window. There's a lot snow falling today compare to the past couple of days. He is excited and nervous to spend the day with Irene, but with these amount it will be very hard for them to go to places.




*ring ring*

"Hey noona.." James picks up the call from Irene.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I'm gonna be late. A lot of roads are blocked here in Daegu, the snow are falling hard today, I guess we will be having late lunch. Mianhae~" Irene feels bad for making James wait.

"No no, it's fine. Actually it's the same situation here in Seoul. I don't know what's wrong with the weather today.." James replied as he look outside his window.

"Don't worry, once the weather become calmer we will go to the train station immediately." Irene replied.


"Yeah, manager unnie said that it will be better to take the train to Seoul instead by car since the roads will be slippery, and she doesn't want me to be... uh late." Irene explains.

"Oh.. I see.. well uh, don't rush okay? just make sure you guys arrive here safe." James was actually surprised to find out that their managers knows about him and Irene meeting today.

"Araseo~~ I will call you once we board the train.. see ya!" Irene cutely said before ending the call.

"I guess it's still on, better start getting ready..." James went to his room to prepare. He honestly thought that there is a high probability that today will be cancelled.



About an hour later James heard a knock at his apartment door. He quickly went to see who it is..

"Noona?!" James got surprised at his unexpected visitor.





"Hey, I heard from Baekhyun hyung that James is really good at basketball and futsal.." Taehyung is talking to Jungkook and Yoongi in the living room of their dorm.

"Really?" Jungkook paused from playing games in his phone.

"Yeah, I heard Jonghyun hyung invited him to play. Then James joins the losing side and lead it to win in the end. Also, Baekhyun hyung said James didn't even score and yet he beat the team lead by Minho hyung.." Taehyung explains to them.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook is somewhat not believing what he heard.

"Yah! among us you are the closest to James, shouldn't you at least knew about it?" Taehyung said to Jungkook.

"He didn't mention it once that he is good at sports, plus James hyung doesn't really looks like someone who is good at sports.." Jungkook replied,

"Are you sure you heard it right from Baekhyun hyung?" Yoongi asked as he is also not believing Taehyung's claims.

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