Chapter 48 - Lifestyle Configuration

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"I heard him saying Natsuki-chan.." Yuna told Sojiro.

"W-What did you say?!... N-N-Natsuki-chan?" Sojiro's voice stutters and his eyes grew big when he heard the name Natsuki.

"Y-yes.." Yuna and the others seems confused on Sojiro's reaction.

"Which direction did he go?? Where?!" Sojiro is grabbing both of Yuna's shoulders.

"T-that way.." Yuna points to her left.

"You guys stay here. Don't go anywhere else and wait for us. I will get him back.." Sojiro sprinted away and hurriedly went to the direction where James went.


"No.. no.. Kuroba-san.." Sojiro is biting his lips and running as fast as he can to catch James. He doesn't care anymore if he is bumping a couple of people as he run through the crowded street in order to get to where James is before it's too late.


"What's the matter?" Dara's manager asked Yuna.

"I-I have no idea oppa.." Yuna is just frozen just like most of them. All of them are just watching Sojiro running and slowly disappearing in to the crowd of people.

"Why does Sojiro looks... scared or something?" Dara remarked.








"Natsuki-chan, wait...",

James continue to chase that very familiar figure he saw. Not knowing whether it is really what he thinks it is. He is trying his best to make his way through the crowded street until he got to end of the street that leads up to the main street where there is even more people.


James scanned the surroundings while mumbling the name Natsuki. He then lost track, wherever he looks there is no sign of where Natsuki go. James is also getting lost in the sea of people, he is not aware of his surroundings as he just continue to walk around while still looking for any traces of Natsuki. Until..


Someone grabs and pulled James arm causing him to turn his body around.





About 3 hours later in Seoul..

"Yaaah.. I'm really jealous..." Chanyeol exclaims while looking at his phone as he enters the elevator with Xiumin, Kai and Sehun.

"Jealous?" Kai and the other members are looking at Chanyeol.

"James is doing a guesting with Sandara sunbaenim in Let's Eat Dinner Together.." Chanyeol replied, his members just giggles as they can hear the jealousy in Chanyeol's voice. "And look they even went out to have dinner.." Chanyeol showed the photos that James' uploaded in his SNS/IG.

"It's a group dinner, no need for you to be jealous.." Xiumin told him. He already saw the post last night.

"But he is sitting besides Sandara.. lucky bastard~" Chanyeol sadly pouts out of jealousy, "They're even tagging each other in their posts.." he added.

"Hold on... are you stalking them since last night?" Sehun chuckled.

"huh.... aniya...." Chanyeol denies, "It's not my fault that it keeps on appearing in my timeline..".

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