Chapter 67 - A shot of First Love

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"What?! Sojiro did that?" Seiichi blurted out and surprised after hearing what Sojiro did couple of days ago. He also spill out some of the tea he is pouring into his cup.

"Yeah... that's what Haejoo told me when I visit them the other day.." James replied while handing out a napkin to Seiichi.

The two best friends are currently having a breakfast in a hotel restaurant located in one of the most luxurious hotels in the city of Seoul. Seiichi invites James whenever they had some free time as both of them are busy with their own work, and while Seiichi is still in Seoul. Seiichi is busy with some business transactions as the Okiya Group expansion in Korea is on its way. Meanwhile, James is busy with his shows, dramas, hosting events, and voice acting.

"So, I guess Sojiro has been stalking Haejoo for quite some time now" Seiichi is wiping the tea he spilled on the table.

"That what it seems like. I mean why would he be in the same restaurant and be at the right moment to save her. " James resume eating his breakfast.

"I guess Sojiro really have.. a thing for that girl Haejoo" Seiichi remarked.

"Told ya~ why else would he spend a lot of money to buy a kimono from Chiso? He could have just buy a simple kimono which is a lot cheaper.." James replied and Seiichi nods, agreeing to his point.

"What about Haejoo? do you think she have a thing with Sojiro too?" Seiichi asked.

"Hmm.. I guess. We kinda have a little talk about it when she received the kimono, and she was mostly speechless and blushing when I translated Sojiro's letter for her.." James replied.

Since Seiichi doesn't know what Sojiro's letter contains, James have to quickly tell him what's in it while he tries to remember every words. Seiichi is shaking his head and giggling most of the time while listening to Sojiro's letter.

"Haha.. 'See you in Spring when the cherry blossoms blooms', and 'Don't forget to wear the kimono', what the hell he means by that? he wants Haejoo to fly to Japan on her own to have a date with him?" Seiichi is laughing hard while quoting some of the things Sojiro wrote in the letter.

"Haha, that's an expensive first date" James chuckled.

"He should have said, 'I will fly back to Seoul in Spring to pick you up and let's go together in Japan to see the cherry blossoms'.. that is the better way to say it" Seiichi is still laughing as he suggests.

"Easy for to say, you own a private jet. Only you can pull off that pick up line" James laughingly scoffed.

"Hey, if Sojiro can afford to buy an expensive specialized kimono for someone who is not even his girlfriend, surely, he can afford a plane ticket as well~" Seiichi reasoned out.

"Well, that's right.." Janes giggles.

"You should have taught him how to get girls since you're good at it~" Seiichi teasingly laughs.

"Eh?! Wha.. hey what the hell do you mean by that?! I only dated two girls, how can I be good at getting girls?" James got a little flustered, and Seiichi is laughing at his reaction.

"Yeah, but the one you got right now is considered a great, not to mention unbelievable and impossible feat. I mean you got... probably the prettiest kpop idol out there. How you get Irene to be your girlfriend still baffles me~" Seiichi laughingly remarked.

James smilingly sighed and let out a small laugh, "We've been a couple for almost 5 months now, and sometimes it is still hard to believe she is my girlfriend".

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