Chapter 61 - You Did Well

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Snowflakes falling, sparkling through the cold and quiet winter night in the beautiful city of Seoul. People are in their winter clothes to keep them warm in the middle of the cold season. The city as well is also dressed in this season as the city is now preparing for the upcoming holiday, Christmas.

During the last year's Christmas season was the first time Irene and James met each other in person. After a couple of months of just through text messages and phone calls, Irene and James met in the most random and unexpected way. It is not the way they imagined it would be, but they are happy that it happened. The hallway in the 5th floor, in front of the elevator, will always have a special meaning for the two of them as it was the start of something great.

Being as one of the top girl groups in Kpop, Red Velvet members are still very busy in the last month of the year with all the promotions, music shows performances and other stuff. The success of their album , The Perfect Velvet, and their lead single, Peek-a-Boo, continues it's success as the album sales continue to rise both digital and physical.

As for James, variety show and radio show had always occupies his weekends. With the addition of his two upcoming dramas, James no longer have a couple rest day every week as he also started preparing for his roles because he will be acting with the top actors in the country.

And speaking of his upcoming dramas, James is having a dinner with his soon-to-be co-star, and also a close friend...

"Hyung, want another platter of mandu?" James asked,

"Sure, but I want to try the fried ones.." Myungsoo replied. James immediately called the attention of the waitress and orders a platter of fried mandu for their table.

James is currently having a dinner with Kim Myung-soo, most commonly known as L , member and vocalist of the boy group Infinite. Myungsoo and James are going to be co-stars in the upcoming drama Ms. Hammurabi

The two of them are having dinner after they went to see a live trial case in court. They observed how real-life court trials works and most importantly, how the judges do their jobs and analyze each case. Both of them are going to be a judge in the drama, Myungsoo will be playing the role of Lim Ba-reun, an elite presiding judge who prioritizes principles and rules. James will be playing the role of Jung Bo-wang, a presiding judge who is a half-korean and very friendly person that he knows almost everything about the people working in the city district court.

(Ryu Deok-hwan originally have the role of Jung Bo-wang. I apologize to his fans that I gave the role to James in this book. Peace guys! lol)

"This place is really great. I understand now why you always coming to this place" Myungsoo can't deny that the food in that restaurant is really good.

"Told ya hyung~ next time try their Samgyetang, it is really good!" James replied while him and Myungsoo are busy killing their Kimchi jjigae. ".. by the way, halmeoni might ask to take your picture later, she is going to post it in the wall" he added.

"Sure, no problem.." Myungsoo replied as he look at the wall where the other photos of celebrities were posted. ".. who's that woman with you in the photo? the one on the left of the photo of you and Irene?" he asked

James looked at it for a couple of second to see who is Myungsoo talking about, "Oh~ it's Goeun noona".

"Jinjja? you eat here with Kim Go-eun?" Myungsoo is a little surprised to find that out.

"Yeah... uh, actually all those people are on the wall because of me" James chuckles, he then explained that before his career exploded, he is a frequent customer of the restaurant. Then because of him bringing Seolhyun and Mina to the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant puts up a wall of fame, wherein they posted the photos of the celebrities who visits the restaurant. All of those celebrities are James' friends, and the most famous ones in that wall are Song-Song couple, and Kim Go-eun.

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