Chapter 58 - The Surprise Plan

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The month of October has been quite a ride for Irene. She celebrated the Chuseok holiday with her family and the man she loves, James. She get to watch James' stand up comedy performance for the first time. She and her members had their first concert in Japan. She got a chance to travel to beautiful places in Japan and learn more about James' past. But the most significant thing for Irene, she had her very first kiss ever, and James finally confessed his admiration and love towards her. And she finally had a first date with James, as an official couple.

All of those things happened in the month of October, and with just a few days left before the month ended, Irene didn't know that October have one last hurrah for her..


"I'm home~"

James dropped off Irene back to Red Velvet's dorm, they just got home from a very special dinner date. James gives Irene a goodnight kiss just outside of the front door of the dorm before he left. As soon as Irene enters their dorm, her fellow members welcomes her and they seem excited for some reason.

"How's was the dinner unnie?!" the girls asked and they didn't even let Irene take off her shoes first.

"It was great~ the food was amazing.." Irene smiled at her members.

"Wahh.. a double date with Song-Song couple? I think that makes you and James as the second hottest couple in the country" Wendy commented. Irene just giggles at that comment.

"Unnie, what was Song Hyekyo unnie like?" Yeri asked their leader.

"Hyekyo unnie is very kind and sweet. When I'm talking to her, it feels like she is my older sister" Irene smilingly replied. "I now understand why James view her as big sister" she added.

"How about Song Joongki oppa?" the girls asked.

"Same as Hyekyo unnie, he is very kind and sweet as well.." Irene replied.

"Unnie, what is that?" Joy is pointing at the white card with gold engravings in Irene's hand.

"It's from Hyekyo unnie, she invited me to their wedding" Irene explained.

"WHA.. JINJJA?!?!" the girls screamed out as they are very surprised to hear that.

Irene just laugh at the reactions of her members. She then shows the invitation to her members. The girls are like kids that are excited to read what's inside the invitation.

"Wait... unnie when is the wedding?" Wendy asked. "Yeah, there's no date in the invitation" Seulgi added.

"The wedding is very secret and confidential, that's why they didn't put it in the invitations.." Irene explained.

"But how do people know when is the wedding?" Seulgi asked.

"Hyekyo unnie and Joongki oppa will say the date of the wedding in person while giving the invitations. Only families, close friends and other close acquaintances are invited to the wedding. They are avoiding to leak the information of their wedding to the media and everyone else.." Irene explained further as they all gather in the kitchen. Irene opens the fridge and gets something to drink.

"But unnie how did you get invited? You've only met Song Hyekyo unnie twice.." Joy asked.

"Actually it's because of James, well sort of.." Irene opens and drinks the yogurt.

"What do you mean?" Seulgi asked.

"Uh, well..." Irene is a little shy to tell the story to her members, ".. Hyekyo unnie and Joongki oppa told me earlier that several months ago when they got engaged and started planning the wedding, they told James that he can have a plus one on their wedding. Hyekyo unnie also said to me that she knew about me and James, and she was... kinda expecting that things between me and James will turn out the way it is right now.." Irene shyly smile while she explain it to her members.

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