Chapter 46 - Exo Planet

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This week's taping of the next episode of Knowing Brothers is about to start. James just finished preparing and he is now all dressed up ready for the show. Since Yuna retired from her previous job as a Publicist, she has now become the manager of James. Addition to that, James hired the two stylists in the show who were assigned to him as his personal stylists since he became a cast on the show. James' team has now grew big. With many projects ahead for him, he really needs to have a team beside him.

James is on his way to the classroom when he got stopped at the checkpoint..

"Yah!!" the members of Exo is calling him. James looks behind him and saw the boy group walking towards him, "Yo~!"

"You guys really looks like students.." James started laughing when he saw the members of Exo in. school uniform, "although some you looks like straight out of anime because of the hair colors" he added.

"The show haven't even started yet and you are making fun of us already.." Suho playfully pushing him. "Ohh.. you cut your hair! It looks good~" Kai is pointing at James' hair.

"Gomawo hyung~ Just a little.." James replied.

"Wait.. is it because Red Velvet was here last week.." Chen suddenly remembers that their labelmates were in the show just last week. "Ohh.. you really prepared because Irene was the guest.." Chanyeol began teasing him.

"Hyung, your hair looks tasty. It looks like cotton candy" James counter attacks and referring to Chanyeol's purple hair. The other members of Exo started laughing at his comment.

"Are you going to each one of us later aren't you?" Suho chuckles.

"hmm.. maybe, it depends" James smirks and giggles.

"Yah! Be careful, we can spill everything out about you and Irene.." Baekhyun warns him.

"Don't.." Kyungsoo is trying to stop Baekhyun but another one of his member warns James.

"Right! We will expose the two of you" Chanyeol told James. "You guys know that's a bad idea.." Xiumin said to his member because he knew James can clap back at them, but his members continue to threaten James.

James just let out a laugh at the threats from them, "araseo~ I don't care". The boys are a little flustered by James' confidence like it is nothing. "You guys knew that Irene noona already revealed in an interview that the two of us are really close. They were here in the show last week.. more things already spilled out. Plus were not hiding anything because there is nothing to hide.." James explained, and that is why he is so confident because the news between him and Irene is already be out there by the time of the airing of this episode. What the Exo members didn't know is that James is just acting all confident, in fact, deep inside he still a little scared. Lastly, one of the reason why James is confident that they are just bluffing because he knew Exo will not do that to their own labelmates.

"Aniya aniya~ he is just pretending.." Baekhyun is trying to accuse James.

"Well it's up to you hyung. I can be talkative later.." James gives him a wink and smirks.

"Yah~" Baekhyun doesn't know what to react. His members burst out laughing at his somewhat nervous reaction.

"Imma head to the classroom now, see you guys there.." James begun walking towards the set of the show.

"naneun aniya~~

swibji aneul geot gata~~~",

James started singing the chorus of Taeyeon's hit song 'Fine' as he walks away from the boy group. The members of Exo burst into laughter as soon as James started singing to tease Baekhyun about his ex-girlfriend. The laughter of the boys echoes in the studio.

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