Chapter 34 - A series of encounter

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Winter season is coming to an end. Temperature are starting to rise up but the nights are still chilly. With just a simple gust of wind can make the snow fall from the trees that are covered in white and thinner layer of snow. 

A full moon is at its highest peak tonight, shining brightly over the beautiful city of Seoul. Snow starting to fall again, maybe the it is the last before this season ends. Moonlights beaming through the falling feathery ice crystals making the night skyline scenery of the city alluring.

"James.... wait...."

Irene shouted out his name as she was running towards him. Despite the cold chilly night she chased him outside to give something she has never given to just anyone..

James looked behind him to see the person calling out his name. He saw a beautiful girl running towards him..

"Noona, what's wrong? Why are you runn--...",

 He stopped talking after he felt a sudden change in his body temperature. Half of his body starts to feel warm. His eyes were big as the moon and his jaw dropped after realizing this unexpected moment

Irene throws her body to give him a hug. Despite running at full speed at him, thanks to her small and light body, James managed to stay standing at his place.

For her, that hug has a lot of meaning, words that she wanted to express are contained in that hug. But the only words that she was able to conveyed was...

"I missed you..."

Upon hearing those few words from her, James world started to slow down. He can hear his heartbeat starting to beat fast. Snowflakes are falling slow around him, reflecting the magnificent lucent lights.

He remained motionless for an amount of time, unable to react from Irene's hug. Until, his body starts to move on it's own. Without a full control of his own body, his arms started to move and putting Irene in embrace in just a split of a second. "I missed you too, noona..." he said.

The two of them are in their own time and space, everything around them seems to stop moving as they enjoy themselves in each other's arms under the full moon. 

A gentle gust of wind turns everything back to normal. Irene slowly loosen her tight hug to him. When they complete out of each others arms...

"Goodnight.. See ya!" Irene gives him a warm and shy smile before turning around to run back to her dorm.

"Noona wait.."



Irene stopped and turns around..




And she was met by a hug. Irene's eyes grew big that this time, it was James who hugged her first. Her face starting to get red because this time it was her who cannot move it's body. She didn't say a word, instead she just savor this warm hug from James. Moments later James started to whisper something to her ear...













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