Chapter 1 - First Day

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**Additional note: The time in this story will start at year 2015.

James arrived in South Korea in hopes of finding a work. He suddenly realized that the airport is really beautiful, he was so amazed that he decided to walk around the airport. After 20 minutes, he decided to go to the train station in order for him to go to Seoul where he rented an apartment in advance.

After an hour James arrived in Seoul station where he quickly took a taxi and gave the address to the driver. James realized something is wrong based on the reaction of the driver after he reads the address, the driver jumps out of the taxi and went to the sidewalk. Confused, James also got out of the taxi and watches the driver asking people walking in the sidewalk. It turns out the driver is looking for someone who can speak English. James felt sorry because a couple of people is rejecting to offer help to the driver because they might not know also how to speak English. Just when James about to walk to the driver, a female student agreed to be a translator.

"Annyeonghaseyo" James bows as the driver and the student is in front of him. The driver starts to explain the situation to the girl so he can translate it in english. "Umm.. Mister, we kinda have a problem" The girl explained, James just stood confused. "The address of the apartment you give is.. umm, it doesn't exist.. well anymore" the girl explained. "What do you mean?" James asked. "I believe 2 months ago that apartment building was burned down, and now it's just a vacant lot".

"But how is that possible? I contacted the said owner just a month ago, and i already paid an advance payment" James explained. The student translate what James said to the driver first before she reply to, after hearing it the driver is visibly sad. "I'm sorry mister, i think it's a scam" The girls replied, "How much did you pay? if you don't mind". 

"200 dollars" James is now frustrated. "I'm sorry" the only words the girl can say. 

"Great, my first day in a foreign country i got scammed and no place to sleep" James said out of frustration. "Anyway, thank you and sorry for the trouble. I really appreciate the help" James picks up his bags and starts to walk away. The girl then talked to the driver.

James is just walking trying to calm down when he hears footsteps, it's approaching him fast. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice. "Mister!!... wait!!" James turns around and it's the same girl. "We can help you find a place to stay" smiling the girl said.

"Really?... wait,.. we?"

"Yes, I might actually know a place where you can stay and mister taxi driver offers us a ride" The girls happily explained.

"Oh.. oh god, thank you so much" then James and the girl walks towards the taxi.

After about 20 minutes they arrived at the residential part of the city. James is about to pay the driver but the driver waves his hand and saying something in Korean. James seems to be confused until the girl interrupted. "He said it's free, you don't have to pay a fare".

"Really? wait no sir i still have to pay you" James insists.

The driver just smile while speaking in Korean again.

"He said its okay, it is the least he can do to help you. And he really sorry for what happen" the girl explained.

James was lost of words and kinda tearing up but he manages to hold it in. They got out of the taxi and James shakes the hand of the driver while saying thank you. The driver smiles happily then he droves away.

"Shall we go?" the girl asked. James nodded as they start to walk.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name. May I know your name?" James laughed slightly.

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