Chapter 30 - Dinner at Red Velvet's dorm

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James managed to chase the girl, "Uh.. excuse me.." his heart is pounding real fast.

The girl looked at him, "huh?"

"Are you Rosé?" he finally gathers the courage to ask for her identity.

The girl looked at him for a couple of seconds before she let out a giggle, she then removes her sunglasses and put down her face mask.

James just froze when Rosé reveals her face...

"Did the accent gave me away?" she smiled at him.

James didn't respond to Rosé for a couple of seconds until he snapped out of it, "W-well... uh... y-yeah.. a little b-bit..".

Rosé giggles and said, "Calm down, you're stuttering.."

"Mianhae, I-I'm just nervous.." James is now feeling the presence of an idol.

"Nervous?.." Rosé laughs, ".. you found out it was me and you even chased me.." she added.

James just laughed out of embarrassment, "Yeah but still, I can't believe I'm talking to you..".

"Well, I'm here! I'm real!" Rosé laughs and gives him a bright smile.

James just smiled while scratching the back of his neck..

"Wait!" James exclaims and it made Rosé got startled a bit,

"Annyeonghaseyo~ I'm James L/N, nice to meet you" James politely gives her a deep bow.

"What was that?" Rosé burst into laughter, "Well in that case, Hi I'm Roseanne Park, or Park Chaeyoung.. or simply Rosé..", she put out her hand for a handshake. James kinda hesitate and shy to hold her hands but he did it anyway.

"W-what are you doing here all by yourself?" James asked the idol.

"Just walking around and buying some cakes on that bakery.." Rosé replied then she noticed the box James is carrying, ".. you like their blueberry cheesecakes as well.."

"Eh? oh this hehe, no this is not for me.." James replied,

"Oh.. girlfriend?" Rosé asked, "What? No no... for a friend, i guess.. she just asked me to buy these for her since she is really busy hehe.." James explained.

"haha okay.." Rosé smiled at him. "by the way, thank you for the autograph.. I'm actually a fan.." she happily admits that she is a fan of him.

"F-fan? you are what?"

Rosé nods and she said, "Yeah, I'm your fan. I watched videos of your stand up, even the ones you did in other countries, you are hilarious!".

"Really? uh.. kamsahamnida" James shyly bows to her.

"It's nice to finally meet you.." Rosé smiles, "Yeah, it's nice to meet you also, I still can't believe I met you out here.." James laughs.

"Say, my manager is not gonna be here for..." Rosé looks at her watch, "..uh about 30 minutes. Would you like to have a coffee?" Rosé asked him,

James looked surprised for a moment, "S-sure, I would love to.." he replied,

"Araseo~ let's go?" Rosé smiled at him, James nods and follows her to a cafe.




Meanwhile, at Red Velvet's dorm...

"Unnie is this enough?" Wendy asked and showed carrots she chopped to her leader.

"Yes, that should do it.." Irene checks Wendy's work.

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