Chapter 38 - Would U

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"Unnie.." Yeri went to the kitchen where their leader is currently preparing food for dinner. "Unnie, have you heard to James oppa?" she asked.

"He called earlier, he said that he will drop by again tomorrow morning. It was already sold out when he got there." Irene replied while she is busy and focused on cooking.

"Sold out of what?" Wendy joins them in the kitchen, "need help unnie?" she offers help to their leader.

"Can you slice another mushroom, I think this is not enough.." Irene said to her. "Sure!" Wendy went to the fridge to get a mushroom.

"Oh, that reminds me.. Wendy-ah.. James said he will buy it tomorrow morning as well so it will be fresh." Irene tells her.

"Wendy unnie you also ask James oppa to buy something? what is it?" Yeri asked Wendy.

"Just fruits.. tangerines, apples, kiwi.. etc.." Wendy replied. "He is good at picking the freshest ones, remember the grapes he bought last time.." she added.

"Oh yeah.. it was really delicious.." Yeri remarked. "How about you? what did you ask him to buy?" Wendy asked the maknae.

"Remember those stuffed bread Heechul oppa brought in the last meeting? I asked him where he bought it and he said that James oppa bought it for him. So I called James oppa and asked if he can... buy me some.. hehe" Yeri explained.

"Oh no.. I feel bad. If I knew that you already asked a favor to him I shouldn't had asked him too.." Wendy said.

It took Yeri a couple of seconds to understand what Wendy meant, "Omo.. Irene unnie, how's James oppa injury?" Yeri asked their leader.

"Don't worry he is fine now. The pain has gone couple of days ago.." Irene answers while she still focused on what she is cooking.

"Haha it is still funny how James got injured.." Wendy giggles, then soon Yeri and Irene laugh as well.




A week ago during the last night of Larry and Frank in South Korea, James goes out with his two friends to drink. It was already late when they exit the pub and his friends are drunk, Larry is the most drunk while Frank is just a bit. James only drank a little so he is okay. With that, James wanted his friends to try a delicious hangover soup from a good place he knew that is not far away. 

While on their way they are passing a neighborhood..

"Man.. look at these houses.. it's... cute.." Larry is walking ahead and pointing at the houses they are passing by.

"How come he still can walk fast even in his drunk state.." James remarked.

"You should have seen him last time.. he tried chasing a pizza delivery car a couple of blocks down. Me, Tony and Becky had a hard time chasing him.. you know because of his kind.." Frank chuckles.

Larry heard them and yelled, "Yeah! You can't chase a nigga!"

James and Frank laughed at their drunk friend who is walking wobbly. 

"Then how did you guys chased him?" James asked,

"Well, he runs fast but he doesn't have control so he stumbled down a curve.." Frank explained.

James just giggles because that will likely to happen again. "by the way, how's Tony and Becky? Haven't seen them since last year.." he asked.

"Our mexican friend is doing great, he did get a place in San Antonio. And Becky is fine, she is still hilarious and still have the same problem.. you know.." Frank told him.

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