Chapter 25 - Elevator

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"3... and 2.... 1... ~dundun~..."

Red Velvet is finally done for the day. There's still a few things they need to perfect but their choreo are already looking sharp. After an exhausting rehearsals they can finally rest their bodies. All of them plops down to the floor due to exhaustion. Drinking some water and energy drink sure helps their body to recover from fatigue.

"Ugh... can't feel my legs.." Joy cries while taking off her shoes.

"I"m hungry..." Yeri lies down to the floor and stare at the ceiling.

 "I'm gonna send a message to manager oppa that we're done.. I want to go home get to sleep.." Wendy stood up to get her phone. Irene also gets up several seconds after to get her towel, she ties her hair and head straight to the door. 

"Unnie where are you going?" Wendy asked her. "Restroom, I'm going to wash my face.." Irene head straight to the door without even looking at Wendy. After she goes out of the dance studio her members looked at each other. They sensed that Irene is indeed not okay.

"Is Irene unnie gonna be okay?" Joy is starting worry. "She will, don't worry. She just need some time alone. She will probably be okay by tomorrow.." Seulgi said to her worrying member. ".. or after she talk to James oppa later on the phone.." Yeri added. "Yah~" Seulgi throws a towel at Yeri. "What? Irene unnie is not here. It's true anyways, Irene unnie always feels okay after she talk to him every time." Yeri throws the towel back.

"Seulgi is right.. just give Irene unnie some space, she will be fine.." Wendy sits back on the floor together with her members.

"Unnie.. does Irene unnie... uh..." Joy is hesitating to ask the older members at first, but she did eventually, ".. does Irene unnie likes James?". 

Yeri sits up and waits for their answer. Seulgi and Wendy looked at each other, "Well... we don't know for sure.." Seulgi said. "..but from the way Irene unnie acted since they start talking to each other on the phone..... uh,... might be~" Wendy said, she is not sure as well.

"Yeah, and James is the only guy that Irene unnie.. uh how should I say this.." Seulgi can't get what she wanted to say. "He is the only guy that Irene unnie treated this way.." Wendy helped her. "Yes, exactly! He is the only guy that Irene unnie saved in her contacts, well beside her father." Seulgi said to them. "Irene unnie doesn't even spend more than an hour talking to her father, and yet she spent hours talking to James almost every night.." Wendy added.

"She does like him!" Joy and Yeri exclaims. "huh? No!" Seulgi and Wendy said at the same time.

"But.. you just said..." Yeri tries to talk but she got stopped by Wendy. "No, it's just uh... theory.. don't say anything to Irene unnie or else we are all dead.." Wendy tells her. Yeri is confused so she just nods. 



Irene is on her way to the restroom, she is walking slow due to exhaustion or because she didn't get to see James, or maybe both. As she is walking towards the elevator, she is imagining what would happen if she got there in time. Imagining that James is there standing waiting for the elevator. How would she approach him, how would she call his name, will she going to shout his name, or will she walk slowly and quietly without him knowing then tap his shoulder to surprise him. All of those things are in her head as she walks towards the elevator.

And in an unexpected turns of event. Just down the hall, Irene saw a person turns and walks towards her direction. She walked for a couple of more steps before she got frozen in place the moment she realized who the other person in the hallway.

Irene's eyes grew big as if she saw a ghost. She just watch the person walks to her closer and closer. "It can't be...".

On the other hand, the person that Irene saw is fixing the sleeves of his coat as he turns in the hallway so he doesn't notice Irene standing in the middle of the hallway right away.

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