Chapter 22 - Dinner with two Song

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James arrived at the cafe where Shinyoung wanted to meet. He kinda dislikes the cafe because it is one of the high end cafes in Seoul. Plus the prices are too expensive for him.

"Why Shinyoung noona likes this place" James is talking to himself as he enters the cafe. "..we could have just go to Starbucks or any cheaper cafe. Look at these prices.." James looks at the menu near the counter.

"Do they grew their coffee beans in the moon? Aish, I'll just wait outside.." the prices irritates him so he just went outside to wait for Shinyoung.

"Look at those rich people.. do they really enjoy the coffee from the moon? Or they just wanted to look fancy." James is watching the people from the outside. "Well, the real question is why the hell a poor person like me is in this place" he realized that he is in the place where rich people hangout. "Besides, I hangout with rich people almost everyday. I wonder who is the richest among them? probably Janghoon hyung, he owns buildings.. maybe Seolhyun since she has a lot of commercials.."

While James is killing time by thinking who is the richest among the idols/celebrities friends he had right now. A silhouette of a woman from a far walking towards the cafe. It caught his attention and he just stare at that woman for awhile. As the woman getting closer and closer he slowly able to see the woman clearly..

"Woah.. I bet she is pretty. Her skin is glowing" James keeps on staring at the beautiful woman. And when she is right at the vicinity of the cafe..

"Eh?... Moyeon?... Doctor Kang?!" James can now clearly see who that woman is. "So-.... So---... Song Hye kyo!?". The woman was no other than Song Hye kyo, the star of the drama Descendants of the Sun.

James cannot believe what he just saw, he just froze there as he watch Song Hye kyo enter the same cafe. Should he follow her inside and get an autograph or perhaps ask for a picture. But will it be rude to ask Song Hye kyo for an autograph in this kind of place. These are the things that James is thinking inside his head.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late it's hard to find a parking space" Shinyoung finally arrives, but James didn't even bother looking at her instead he keep on staring at the cafe. "You okay? What are staring at?" Shinyoung is snapping her fingers in front of James' face. Since it's not working, Shinyoung slaps James in his forehead.

"Oh!ouch... Noona!.." James finally came back to life. "What's wrong with you? Looks like you've seen a ghost." Shinyoung said to him. "No, it's better than ghost. I just saw Doctor Kang Moyeon!" James excitingly said to her.

"I don't know that doctor.. what about it?" Shinyoung ask him. "Ani... noona, I saw Song Hye kyo! Doctor Kang Moyeon is her character in Descendants of the Sun!" James explained.

Shinyoung hit him in the head again.. "Aish, paboya! Just tell me it's Song Hye kyo!".

"Did you really see her? Where is she?!" Shinyoung asked him. "She went inside the cafe.." James replied.

"Really?! Come on let's talk to her.." Shinyoung is about run in the cafe but James stop her.


"Noona.. I'm shy.. what if I pass out in front of her.. what if we just bother her.." James is having a second thought whether this a good idea.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Relax, we're just gonna greet her and talk to her a bit then we leave okay?" Shinyoung is trying to calm him. ".. I met her before and she is a lovely person so don't worry. Here's the plan..." Shinyoung drags James and tells him the plan on how are they gonna approach Song Hye kyo.

Upon entering the cafe the two scans and look for Song Hye kyo...

"Where is she?" Shinyoung is looking at the people sitting on the tables.

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