Chapter 37 - Reinforcements

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Almost two weeks later after James finally met Kim Go-eun in a surprise dinner planned by Lee Dong-wook. Surprisingly the actress seems like she wanted to be friends with James because they still kept in touch, not on a daily basis per se. He talked about this to Lee Dong-wook and he learned that the actress have a small group of friends around him, and that he should be grateful that Kim Go-eun shows interest to be friends with him.

In order to prove himself right, Lee Dong-wook suggests James to invite Kim Go-eun for a lunch or dinner. James thought that it was bullshit or the actor is just messing up with him, so he did it anyway, and to his surprise, the actress accepted it...

"Oh shit..." James almost dropped his phone when Kim Go-eun replied to his message asking her if she wanted to hangout and grab a lunch or dinner. ".. damn you Dong-wook hyung.. dammit I can't take it back.." James just ponder over to another stressful thing he accidentally added to his life.

James is currently in UAA building where he just finished a meeting with the management. They discussed a lot of things including,.. the directors of the drama Strong Girl Bongsoon wanted him to be included permanently in the supporting casts and James' character is bound to comeback in the later episodes. The weekend radio show he is part of is going to extend and move to a different timeslot. And lastly, two other shows are trying to book him, more further details about the two shows will be discuss to James in another meeting.



About an hour later after James left UAA building and he is now currently in Gimpo International Airport waiting for two of his friends to arrive.

While he waits, he calls Irene..

"Mianhae noona~" James is all apologetic to Irene.

"Haha it's fine. We don't have any schedule this weekend anyways, so just give me a call if you have time.." Irene said to him.

"Oh.. then that's better, I guess we can meet Sunday.." James replied, "Okay sure. But why not tomorrow? Saturday?" Irene asked.

"It's your labelmate's sports day. They invited me again to join." James explains why he is not available this saturday.

"Oh yeah, I heard them talking about it. Seems like they are excited about it.." Irene remarked.

"Jonghyun hyung told me this will be a big one. He said most of your labelmates are going, so that's pretty exciting.." James commented.


"Yeah, now that I think of it.. I already met at least one member of every group under S.M. except for NCT.." James realized he hasn't met not even a single member of NCT.

"Oh, NCT are attending tomorrow?" Irene asked.

"That's what Jonghyun hyung told me. Even some SuJu members.." James replied.

"Are you going? You said that you have friends visiting South Korea for a couple of days, will it be okay?" Irene refers to James' visitors.

"I will attend. Although I originally declined first because it's all your labelmates, I don't want to be an outsider. But then the others heard that I declined and they started calling me nonstop, asking me to come..." James explained, "I knew I shouldn't have given my number to everyone in EXO.." he added and chuckles.

Irene is giggling on the other side of the phone while she listens to James, ".. so that means you are coming?"

"Yeah. I just have to explain it to my friend why I won't be with them this saturday.." James replied. Then James heard that his friends' flight has just arrived. "Oh noona I have to go, their flight is here. I will call you later..".

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