Chapter 45 - Knowing Brothers Ep. 84 | Guests: Red Velvet

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In this episode Kim Youngchul was absent for the show because he was invited in Germany to perform for the Korean Delegates who are attending the G20 Summit. Because of this, an entertainer named K.JUN is in the show as a substitute for him. Now in this book, I will not include K.JUN in this episode/chapter because I think he is not needed. And also because James is in there lol

Now enjoy :)



James and Sangmin are the first ones to enter the classroom. The taping of the next episode of Knowing Brothers has started. Few seconds later Kyunghoon is the next one to enter the classroom, he then follows by Soogeun, Janghoon, Hodong and minutes later Heechul.

"Is Youngchul hyung still in Germany?" James asked his older Brothers.

"I guess.." Janghoon replied.

"I saw the article.." Sangmin is already giggling as he speaks, "It said he sang 'Ring Ring' in Germany", him and the brothers started laughing.

The Brothers continue to talk for another minute. 

And then..



The front door slides open and it reveals today's guests. The Brothers erupted out of excitement when they saw their guests. Heechul stands up and happily waving his hands to greet their guests. Meanwhile, Sangmin and James jumps out from their seats and they are excitingly celebrating at the back of the class. The Brothers are surely giving a very warm welcome to their guests today.

Red Velvet has finally returned in the show after a year. The girls are excitingly enters the classroom and they are overwhelmed by the welcome of the Brothers. This marks their second guesting on the show, and their first with complete members.

James is very happy that their guests today is Red Velvet, but deep inside, he is very nervous on how the show will go because he knew that his Brothers will surely tease him about Irene. There are four people he needs to watch out, Heechul, Hodong and Soogeun because the three of them are all under S.M.. They surely knows about a thing or two about them. And Janghoon because James had teased  him a lot, this is a good time for revenge. James knows that the scariest is Heechul, but he have a hidden card to get back at him just incase.


"We're so glad you guys are here again!" the Brothers are very happy to see Red Velvet is in the show again.

"Hello guys!" Joy is the first one to speak.

"We're from 'The Legends of Ask Us Anything High School',.. In 1.. 2.. 3... Happiness! Annyeonghaseyo~ we're Red Velvet!!" the girls introduce themselves to the class.

"Annyeong!!" the Brothers excitingly greets them back.

"Aren't they total legends? They're the ones who contributed in making this school!" Hodong claimed, as Red Velvet greatly helped the show to survive during their early episodes.

"Didn't you miss us like crazy?" Wendy asked the Brothers. 

"We do!" the Brothers replied.

"They're the ones who talked to me rudely when we did the skit before" Janghoon is bringing back the memory of the girls' first guesting. The Brothers laughs as they remember how the girls almost make the giant cry. "You guys were so rude to me" he added.

"That's because we like you the most~" Yeri said to the giant to console him.

"There was also a legendary scene back then when Hodong cried" Soogeun thought of another memorable scene from Red Velvet's last guesting on the show.

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