Chapter 42 - Happy Birthday

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*ring ring*

"Hello~" James picks up a call from an unknown number.

"Happy Birthday Brother!!" Frank is calling all the way from London to greet James on his birthday.

"Frank? Hey~! Thank you brother!" James is happy that he received a birthday greeting from his British friend.

"Sorry I was using Amelia's phone to call you...-- 'Happy Birthday James! I miss you!" Frank's fiance, Amelia, interrupts and greets him as well.

"Hey Amelia! Thank you and I miss you as well.." James thanked Amelia.

"Sorry for calling you this early.. 'yeah we know it's 4am there in Korea, but we want to be the first ones to greet you.." Frank and Amelia explained to him.

"No no it's fine guys, I'm just getting ready to go anyway to the radio show. That is so sweet of you guys, thank you.." James is touched that the couple didn't forget about his birthday.

"Are we the first ones?" Frank asked.

"No, sorry. My Mom beat you guys 30 minutes earlier.." James giggles.

"Oh, that's fine as long as it's not Larry.." Frank laughingly said and James laughed as well. "Anyway, we wish you will have a great birthday this year. Stay healthy and hope you will get a girlfriend soon.. haha...." Frank gives him a last birthday message and also teased him a bit. "See you on our wedding, Happy birthday again!" Frank added. "Happy Birthday James! Don't worry we will get you a plus one so you can bring your girlfriend on our wedding.. hehe" Amelia also teased him.

"Haha I don't have a girlfriend and I doubt I will have one by the time of the wedding but alright~ Thank you again guys, see you in London.." James said goodbye to the couple and ended the call. He then went back to prepare himself before heading to his Saturday Morning Radio show with Kim Shinyoung.

The first one to greet James on his 22nd birthday is his parents, who called just a few minutes after he woke up. It's another year that James is celebrating his birthday away from his parents. The next ones are his close friends from the U.K., fellow stand up comedian Frank, and his fiance Amelia. Then what James didn't know is that there is another person who is going to greet him on the morning of his birthday..

*knock knock*

James heard knocking on his front door. He is confused on who might be knocking on his door at four in the morning. He quickly checked who it is..

"Noona.." James is surprised to see who is his visitor this morning.

"Saeng-il chukhamnida~~" Sulli greets the birthday boy with a bright smile in her face.

"ohh.. kamsahamnida.." James can't help but to smile as well seeing Sulli's bright smile. ".. uh, noona you don't have to come this early to greet me.. mianhae.." James is grateful and apologetic at the same time.

"Yah.. why are you apologizing?" Sulli starts giggling.. ".. don't apologize, I'm meeting my friends because we're going to have a morning jog, so I decided to dropped by here first to give your present.." Sulli explained and gives a box to the birthday boy.

"Noona... you don't have to---"

"Ah~ shh.. aniya.." Sulli didn't want to hear anything from James. ".. I baked those yesterday, hope you will like it".

James opens the box and saw a dozen of cupcakes baked by Sulli. "Wahh.. they all look delicious.." James is almost drooling over the cupcakes, plus he still haven't eaten breakfast yet.

"Are you on your way to the radio show?" Sulli asked him.

"Yup, I'm actually about to leave now. Good thing you still catch me.." James chuckles.

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