Chapter 13 - Trip with Shin Kim Chi

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James is dressing up when he got a phone call from Heechul.

James picks up and puts it in loud speaker.. "Hey hyung what's up?"

"Yo, are you ready? We will be there in like 10 mins.." Heechul said.

"Eh?.. I thought we're suppose to meet at 8.." James replied.

"Sorry there's a slight change of plans, they want to have breakfast first before hitting the road." Heechul explains.

"I see, anyway it's fine I'm getting dress now so I'll be ready when you got here" James replied.

"Good.. okay see ya."

James finished everything he needs to do before leaving the apartment. James leaves his apartment and walking in the alley to the main street to see a car parked right at the corner. The car window rolls down..

"Yooo! Hop in!" Heechul said. James got in the backseat. 

"Hey hyung, hey noona.." James greets Heechul and Shinyoung.

"Hey long time no see! So are you ready to go?" Shinyoung asks. "..yeah let's go" James replied. Shinyoung starts the car and drove off.


"Hey what's with lunch box?" Heechul asked.

"Oh, I packed some sandwiches and sliced fruits.." James replied. 

"Really? wow.." Heechul and Shinyoung said in unity.

"So noona where are we going anyway?" James asked.

"Yangpyeong" Shinyoung replied.

"hmm.. never heard of it. How far is it?" James asked.

"About... 45-50 km.." Shinyoung replied. ".. oh not that far.." James said.

"Hey call Seolhyun and Jimin, tell them to get ready.." Shinyoung said to Heechul.

"Are they coming with us?" James asked. ".. yeah, didn't you know?" Shinyoung asks.

"Heechul hyung didn't tell me.." James replied.

"By the way James did you already talk to her?" Shinyoung asks.

"Seolhyun? No. Not yet.. I figured she need more time. But I leave her a message when I heard it from Jimin noona." James explains. "got any reply?" Heechul asks.


"Yeah maybe she needed some time to be alone for awhile.. " Heechul replies.

"How was she anyway? did you talk to her noona?" James asked Shinyoung.

"Same. She didn't answer my calls and messages" Shinyoung explains.

"Then how is she coming with us?" Heechul asks Shinyoung.

"I told Jimin to ask Seolhyun if she wanted to come to this trip, and she said yes. " Shinyoung explains. "I see, hope she is okay now.." Heechul said.

Two weeks ago Seolhyun and Zico broke up. And after a week rumors about the break up are starting to spread like wildfire, but no one knows if the break up is true. Except for those people who are close to them. 

"I'm surprised its not in the news yet.." James said.

"Only rumors. but most people won't believe it unless their agencies confirms it." Shinyoung said.

"Hyung, you are close with Zico right? How was he?" James asks Heechul.

"He is devastated also, but at least he is talking to other people.." Heechul replied.

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