Chapter 5 - First encounter

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James arrived at Happy Seoul Club located near Han River. The place is easy to locate since it's a popular place and you it's easy to guess since there is always a long line outside. James hesitated at first because people in line might accuse him of cutting in line but he approached the personnel in the very front of the line.

"Hey no cutting in line. Go to the end of the line" One of the bouncers stopped James before he can come near to the personnel in charge. People are looking at them. "Oh, no sir I'm not going to cut in line. I was invited by Mr. Kim Junho" James said to the bouncer. "Mr. Kim?.. Can I have your I.D. then follow me" James give his I.D and follow the bouncer at the back of the building where there's another entrance but with more security. Once they are inside the bouncer give James back his I.D.

"Take a sit first, I'm going to call Mr. Kim" the bouncer pointed in a sofa on what seems like a mini lobby. "Okay sir, thank you".

After a few minutes the bouncer returns with Kim Junho..

"So you are James.. Nice to meet you" Kim Junho said walking towards James.

"Yes, Nice to meet you sir" James stood up and bows.

"Have a seat. By the way thank you for coming and to be honest I can't wait to see you perform" Kim Junho said while laughing a bit.

"It's my pleasure sir" James replies shyly.

They talk for a couple of more minutes, Kim Junho sort of interviewed James.

"Anyway, I have to go now they will call you if it's your turn to go to the stage" Kim Junho said.

"Okay sir, Thank you again" James bows.

"Oh, and just so you know we have a lot of celebrities watching tonight and some are big names. If you manage to impress them who knows, they might help you. No pressure, Good luck" Kim Junho smiles and leaves the room.

James sat down looking blankly in a space, he suddenly felt very nervous. The door opens and the bouncer walk past the room to another exit. After a couple of seconds the bouncer went back,

"Uh.. excuse me sir.." James got the attention of the bouncer.

"You can just call me Dong-min" the bouncer smiles.

"Uh okay,.. Dong-min hyung.. can I ask something?" James replies. "Sure what is it?".

"Is it true? Mr. Kim told me that there's a lot of celebrities tonight" James asked.

"Well yeah.. but that's normal, although there's more tonight. Why'd you ask? Don't tell me.." Dongmin looks at James who is visibly nervous. "Oh come on kid don't be too nervous, it's your first day here. Look they are just like any other customers in here, well besides they.... you know what I mean" Dongmin pats James shoulder.

"yeah, yeah.. thank you.." James replied. "Hyung I'm just curious do you know the names who are in here tonight?" James asked.

"We got some of the regulars tonight.. Jo Hye-run, Jang Do-yeon, Hong Yoon-hwa, Lee Soo-geun.. well those four you can almost see them every week since they're friends and colleagues of Mr. Kim.." Dongmin said. "Oh wow, I saw them on some shows they are also comedians specially Lee Soo-geun, I like Ask us Anything.." James replies.

"there's also some actors and actresses, and probably some idols too but I'm not familiar with their names.. Oh there's also Kim Shin-young, Seolhyun, Jimin they are also somewhat a regular here.." Dongmin added. "Wait... Seolhyun? AOA Seolhyun?" James asked. "Yeah... Oh you like her don't you?" Dongmin teases. "Well yeah, she is my favourite member.... Okay now I'm more nervous". James replied. Then someone enters the room..

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